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                                 A few weeks later

"Do you girls know where you want the wedding?" Penelope asked Cheryl and I. our families were currently in the study trying to come up with ideas for Cheryl and I's wedding.

"Well I know of a place, it's in Floria" I answered, I took out my phone, "I have some pictures of when I used to go there. I'll take you and the kids there tomorrow" I said turning my attention towards Cheryl

A smile grew on her face, "That would be great babe", "alright we'll take care of the rest. You and Cheryl can pick out where you want the actual wedding. The day after your wedding will be when you will be throned and announced as Queens" My father said smiling at us

We both nodded, "hey I'm lonely at the moment, can I join you tomorrow when you go to Floria. I want to go somewhere else besides Catherdal, please!" Tyler begged

Cheryl and I laughed, "of course Ty, the kids will also be happy if you come with us" Tyler smiled at Cheryl, "Thank you!", "We'll leave in the afternoon"

                                   The next day

Both Dorian and Sera were jumping on the bed, "quit jumping" Cheryl said as she grabbed clothes from their closet

"Better listen to mommy, she's scary when she's mad" I said sitting next to them, they both nodded their head in agreement, "I am not scary when angry" Cheryl glared at me as she handed Sera and Dorian their clothes

"If looks could kill I'd be dead" I grinned at her, "Am I scary when I'm angry?" She asked the kids. They nodded, "You chased momma around the house last time you were mad at her" Dorian responded

"See!" She rolled her eyes, "the three of you go get dressed! I'm pretty sure your brother is waiting for us" I pulled her onto my lap, "not until I get my kiss", I pouted

She pecked my lips, "if momma gets a kiss we need one too!" Sera said crossing her arms

"Come here then!" They walked to us and Cheryl peppered their face with kisses, "I'm gonna do my makeup, get changed" she kissed my forehead before leaving the room

"Haha! We got more kisses from mommy!" They stuck their tongues out at me, "ahaha I'm not getting you food when we get to Floria, now change your clothes" I walked out, "momma!" They yelled, "I'm joking!" I yelled back before entering my room

"Why did they yell at you?" Cheryl asked as she was putting on her earring, "I told them I wouldn't get them food if they kept teasing me" I responded before walking inside our closet

"what'd they tease you about babe?" I pouted as I put my shirt on, "you gave them more kisses" she laughed, "once your done, come over here" I quickly put my pants and shoes on and walked towards her

"do you want more kisses or no?" I nodded, "yes please!" She put her arms around my neck and peppered my face with kisses and placed the last ones to my lips, "happy now?" I hummed in response

I slowed got up and kissed her forehead, I opened our door to reveal Tyler, "Y'all were fucking weren't you" I slapped his arm, "you know maybe I don't want you to join us"

"Try bitch" I laughed, "Sera, Dorian let's go" they exited their room and walked over to Tyler and I

I grabbed Cheryl's hand and we all walked downstairs, "How long is it to Floria again? I don't remember" Tyler asked, "30 minutes"

We exited the castle and entered the car, "alright Leon, lets get going" Tyler ordered


"Woah! The water is so clear!" Dorian yelled as he ran over to the lake with Sera, "Haven't been here in awhile, it still looks beautiful" I grinned as I looked around

I glanced over at Cheryl and she had her eyebrow raised at me, "I mean not as beautiful as you my love" she laughed, "This place really is pretty"

"It's aesthetically pleasing" Tyler chimed in, "Do you remember coming here? I very much do because, 1). This place is amazing and 2.) that little incident you did" I said glaring at my brother

"What did you do Ty?" Cheryl asked, "I might of have almost killed your bride-to-be" he said laughing nervously, "you almost killed Toni!"

"Hey hey! Look, we were fooling around as we swam around the lake and I thought it'd be funny if I ducked her head underwater"

"You almost killed my wife idiot" Cheryl slapped the back of his head, "I'm sorry! But besides that, this is a wonderful place to have the wedding" the both of us agreed


"Oof! The waters cold" Sera said as she quickly took her hand out of the water, "make sure you don't fall in Seraphina!" Cheryl yelled, "Yes mommy!"

I felt Dorian tug my shirt, "what's up bud?" I asked crouching down to his height, he giggled, "I got a flower!" He took out a blue flower from behind him, "did you run off to the flower field?"

He nodded, "Sorry, but they were really pretty! Sera didn't follow me since she mostly liked looking at the water" he said as he stared at the flower, "it is pretty" I kissed his forehead

I glanced over at Cheryl, "hey, how about you go get mommy that red flower" he grinned, "good idea!" I stood up once he ran off

"Where's he going?" Cheryl asked, "the flower field" I said before I felt cold water getting sprayed at me, "hehehe! The waters cold!" Sera said smirking,Tyler cracked his knuckles, "don't worry, I got this!" He said before chasing after Sera

"so, should we have our wedding here mi amour?" She put an arm around my waist, "I'd love our wedding to be done here, but I also kind of want our honeymoon to be here as well" I rested my head against hers

"I can get that arranged" I kissed her temple, "mommy! I got you a red flower!" Dorian said as he jumped on his feet, Cheryl carefully took it from his hands, "thank you bubba"

"Sorry I didn't get you one momma" he said frowning, "it's alright, I'll share with mommy" a smile reappeared on his face, "now how about we go get some snacks?" I asked, "I'll go get Sera and Uncle Ty!" He yelled as he ran away

Cheryl and I started walking back to the car as the others caught up, "Hey T, there's an ice cream parlor at the village right?" Tyler asked as he walked next to us with Sera on his shoulders and Dorian next to him, "You guys want ice cream again?" I asked

"You said we could get!" Sera pouted, "okay fine. Do you want anything babe?" She shook her head no, "Liar, I'll buy you something at the bakery"

"Babe!" I shushed her, "don't babe me. We both now your gonna eat it" I smirked as she rolled her eyes, "Okay fine, get my favorites then" she mumbled, "yes ma'am" I kissed her

"Ewwwww!" Tyler, Dorian and Sera said at the same time, "oh shut up! I'm not buying you three anything" Cheryl and I entered the car, "We're Sorry!" They yelled in unison

Cheryl and I laughed, "get in the car!" They shook their heads, "Not until-" Cheryl cut them off, "Your forgiven, now get in!" They grinned before entering the car, "To the ice cream parlor Leon!" Tyler said grinning at him, "yessir!"

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