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                                  2 months later
"Can we hear them?" Sera asked as she pressed her ear against Cheryl's stomach

"Oh oh! Let me hear!" Dorian beamed as he sat next to his sister, trying to listen in on the baby

Cheryl and Toni laughed as they looked at their kids, "Maybe when my stomach's a bit bigger you'll be able to feel them kick"

Dorian looked up at Cheryl with worried eyes, "kick? Does it hurt?"

"Just a little, don't worry about it" The red head smiled   at her son

Dorian glared at Cheryl's stomach, pointing his finger at it, "Don't hurt mommy" he mumbled, referring to the child in Cheryl's stomach

Toni chuckled, "Hey Dori, you and Sera would also kick mommy when you were in her belly"

"Why would you-!"

"We hurt mommy?!" Dorian and Sera asked, staring at Cheryl with sad eyes

"I-No no! A-all babies kick whenever they're in their mothers' belly, you didn't hurt mommy" Toni stuttered out as Cheryl glared at her

"Babe" Cheryl said through gritted teeth

"What?! I didn't expect them to get sad about it, sorry" Toni pouted

Cheryl rolled her eyes, "So, should we take them?" The red head asked referring to the twins

"Well that's if they want to" Toni placed her hand on top of Sera's head, "Sera, Dori, do you want to come with me and Mommy to the clinic?"

"What for?" Sera asked

"I'm going to get an ultrasound, you can see the baby" Cheryl smiled at the twins

The twins smiled widely and their eyes twinkled, "WE WANT TO COME!" They yelled, piercing Cheryl and Toni's ears

"O-okay" Toni chuckled, "Go get changed, we have head down there soon"

The both of them jumped off the bed, "You and mommy get changed to!" Sera yelled before following her brother out the room

"You heard the girl, get your flat ass up"

"Cheryl you-! For fucks sake lets just get dressed" Toni huffed as Cheryl giggled

"LEO!" Dorian yelled as I skipped over to Leon as they exited the castle

"Hello Prince" Leon smiled at the little boy, "And princess Sera, is that a new dress?"

"Yeah! Momma bought it for me, it's red like mommy's favorite color" she beamed, twirling around in her dress

Toni and Cheryl walked up to them hand in hand, "Good evening your majesties, where to?"

"Take us to the clinic please Leon, we have an ultrasound for Cher" Toni smiled at the older man

"Ah yes! Have you told your parents?" Leon asked as he opened the car door for the family, the twins jumping in first

"Toni's parents knows, not mines, they left Catherdal for a few months for some business" Cheryl divulged, "They'll be back today so we'll tell them then"

"Hurry up!" Sera yelled from inside the car

"I see that Seraphina is excited for the ultrasound" Leon chuckled

"Mhm, we should get going" Toni said as she and her wife entered the car, Leon shutting the door behind them before entering the driver seat.

After a short drive they arrived at the clinic, "Aunt Ronnie" Dorian squealed as the family entered the clinic

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