Chapter 32

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     Ahsoka found herself being rudely shooken awake. 

" Get up and be quiet." Lux pressed his gun into her back. Ahsoka rolled her eyes and did as he said. He lead her out of the ship. They were in a hanger of which seemed to be of an abandoned building . She wished that she has been awake when they landed so she would at least have a sense of where she was exactly. 

" This way." he pointed to the left corridor. Lux pushed her into a room. It looked like a prison cell. He didn't lower his gun until they were both inside with the doors sealed to where only a person on the outside could open it. For a rundown place, she was surprised it was still functional.

" Alright Lux, now that I'm here where's your precious Death Watch to supply you with your information?" Lux only grinned at her. " What are you so happy about?" she sneered.

" They'll come. I know they will." he took steps closer to her. Ahsoka had a bad feeling to where it was going. Her heart started to race as the only option for her was to back against the wall, something she knew wasn't good. " Until they come though, you did say we could catch up." he murmured.

" That was before-" she was disgusted when he placed a finger on her lips. 

" You talk to much." now she was completely against the wall. She could feel a hand slowly slide down her side. 

" Lux, don't do this." she begged. If it weren't for the force binder on her ankle she would have flung him across the room. Her instincts were telling her to fight, but she couldn't move. She was scared. Sure guys had looked at her, but it never escalated to the point where they were in her face and touching her. She was about to beg him to stop again when she realized she couldn't talk. Lux had forcefully pressed his lips onto hers. 

Ahsoka tried to wriggle out from his grasp, however, his body weight was too much for her to push off while pinned. She could feel her eyes start to burn. 

No Ahsoka, don't cry. You can't cry. You can't cry. Not now, she fought back her emotions.

He broke away for a split second to tease her. " Isn't this nice Soka? Too bad we can't be friends, huh?" he was going in for another kiss when the cell door swung open, revealing a livid Akorra followed by members of Death Watch.

" Now Lux Bonteri, when I said to bring her to me, I didn't say you could make out with her." Akorra snapped.

 Ahsoka was somewhat grateful that her mother came when she did, but quickly pushed the gratitude out of her mind.

" You never said I couldn't." Lux replied, pleased with himself.

Akorra looked him up and down. " Vizla," she motioned with a wave of her finger. " bring the boy his reward." 

Pre Vizla stepped forward. " Here's your information Bonteri, enjoy it while it lasts." he tossed Lux a datapad. 

The senator scrolled through eyeing all the information. Ahsoka saw her mother give the Death Watch leader a small hand gesture. Vizla and a few others from his crew raised their guns.

Lux looked at them in confusion. " What are you-" the weapons fired, putting holes into the boy.

Akorra used the force to keep him from falling. " Say hello to your mother for me." she plunged her dark red saber into his heart. 

Ahsoka watched the life leave his body as it slumped to the floor. She was shocked and confused. 

" Why." she stammered.

Akorra simply smiled. " Because Ahsoka dear, I still love you."

Ahsoka didn't know what to believe anymore. Her mind was clouded. Her mother has just saved her from something that could have gone really bad, yet she had previously kidnapped her and killed one of her best friends and forced her to watch.

" I..." she didn't know what to say.

Again sorry it's kinda late. I started school again yesterday and it already feels like it's been a week. Ugh.😑

Happy Wednesday!

-Chopper457 💙🧡🤍

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