Chapter 6

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    " What?" Ahsoka heard Anakin talking to someone. She threw on a clean set of her old clothes and pressed her head against the wall to hear them better.

" What happened to Ahsoka? Is she okay? Was she hurt again?" Anakin fired all of his questions at Plo.

" Calm down Skywalker. I came here to ask you questions. I was wondering why Lil'Soka was training while she's hurt." Plo said harshly.

" Wait what?" Anakin was a little taken back.

" Oh no." Ahsoka whispered already knowing what was going to happen.

As if on cue she heard the voice of her Master.

" AHSOKA!" she heard him yell though the wall.

Without bothering to try and get out of it she came before her Masters.

" Yes Master?" she said in a small voice.

Anakin's eyes widened when he saw her. At first he was going to lecture her about listening to him, but she was looking pretty rough er rougher than before.

He lowered his voice to try sound less intimidating. 

" Ahsoka, Master Plo is telling me that you in the training room earlier this morning. Is that true?"

Ahsoka gave up. There was no point in lying.

" Yes. I was."  she waited for Anakin to start yelling and scold her for doing what she did.

" Snips..." Anakin sat down and let out a frustrated sigh.

" Where did you get those Soka?" Plo gestured to her body that her classmates beat. " The truth."

" Its nothing." Ahsoka accidentally snapped, quickly covering her mouth.

" Ahsoka please tell us. We only want to help." Anakin pleaded.

Ahsoka shook her head.

" Ahsoka you're hurting. You have to tell us." he said again.

Ahsoka glanced at the floor contemplating whether or not to tell them. 

"  Ahs--" Ahsoka cut him off

" Fine.  Some of the other Padawans in my class beat me up every other day after the lesson is over. There I said it. Happy now?" Ahsoka refused to make eye contact with her Master or Plo.

Through each of their bond she shared with both of them, she could feel the anger rising. Anakin more than Plo, but that was to be expected. 

" THEY DO WHAT?" Anakin shouted outraged.

Ahsoka feeling slightly embarrassed looked at her Master.

" I'm sorry." she ran back to her bedroom and locked it. 

She could hear Anakin and Plo arguing. She covered her montrals that were picking up every word they said.

" Stop, please stop." she said barely above a whisper. Tears were in her eyes. Tears of humiliation, fear, anger, and stress.

" Stop,stop,stop,stop." she repeated over and over trying as hard as she could to block out all sound.

She crawled into bed and brought the pillow over her. It may have stopped the loud arguing of her Masters but it only amplified the voices in her head.

 Shutting her eyes, Ahsoka struggled to imagined a place where she was at peace. Nothing was working.







Good for nothing.


The words echoed back and forth in her mind. It was all she could think about.

" JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

Another chapter:)

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