Chapter 21

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     His head lolled over revealing his face which had a blank expression written on it. She couldn't stop herself from watching over and over again. As much as it hurt her to relive it, it was impossible for her to withdraw her gaze from him.

" Fives!" she called to him with hopes that he had magically survived a certain death. 


" How is she?" Anakin worriedly asked.

" She doesn't seem to have any external damage." Obi Wan informed him.

Ahsoka thrashed around in her sleep. This time she tried to stop what was happening. No matter what she did it was never enough to save him. 

" No!" she shot up. 

" Ahsoka!" Anakin came over to her, steadying her as she sat up. Obi Wan stood next to his grandpadawan as well.

" Master!" she touched his arm to make sure it wasn't a trick. She sighed in relief when she could feel that he was real. At that moment she had noticed Obi Wan standing behind him.

" Master Kenobi?" she asked surprised by his presence. " Wait, where are we." she started to feel panicked again.

" You are back on the Resolute young one. You went through quite an ordeal." Obi Wan patted her on the back. " After not receiving any contact from you all, Master Plo and I came to see ourselves. We were truly lucky to have found you when we did."

Ahsoka let Obi Wan's words sink in. It must have been really bad considering he said that they were lucky  to have found them. " What of my mother?" Ahsoka remembered her encounter with the woman who claimed to want her back in her life. 

" We have her in custody. The counsel will decide her fate."

Anakin could tell she had more questions. Probably questions she didn't want to be answered. He had one in mind.

" Thank you Master Kenobi."

" Oh course. Rest now Ahsoka." he nodded to Anakin and left the room.

Anakin and  Ahsoka both sat awkwardly in each other's presence. Although it was nice, Ahsoka was scared to ask. 

" Master? Did...did Fives really..." Ahsoka didn't want to say his name and the word die in the same sentence.

Anakin dreaded having to answer her. He knew it was coming though and it wasn't like he could hide from her the fact that he did indeed die. As much as he had tried to protect her from the horrors and destruction of war, he couldn't protect her from everything. 

" I'm sorry Ahsoka. He's gone." his own voice quivered.

Ahsoka's heart speed up. She was beginning to feel lightheaded again.

" Master, the trashcan." she got out.

Anakin's eyes widened after seeing what was about to happen. He quickly got up and brought the trashcan over to her. He rubbed her back as she threw up. He heard her gasp in between breaths as she was also crying.

He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. Once she was done he brought her a cup of water. 

No it can't be. Not Fives. Not Fives. He can't be dead.  her thoughts whirled around in her head.

" It's my fault. It's all my fault. If I hadn't been captured, then she wouldn't have done what she did." Ahsoka sobbed.

Anakin held her close, comforting her the best he could. " No it's not, you couldn't have stopped it from happening." he told her. 

Ahsoka shook her head, " Yes I could have. If I had only listened to her and done what I was told, then he would still be alive." 

" Snips, listen to me. You did nothing wrong, okay? Its not your fault." he told her again.

" What about the others?" she needed to know.

" They're fine. Just resting. Something you should be doing too. Do you want to go to your room?" 

" Ok." her response was clipped.

Anakin walked his padawan to her room. He could tell whenever they passed a trooper she tensed up and would shy away from them. Once they reached her room, he opened the door and lead her inside to her bed.

" Get some sleep Snips. We'll reach Coruscant shortly." he hesitated leaving her alone, but she needed to rest so he left to check up on Rex and the others who were with them.

Once alone in her room, she let the tears flow freely. Dark thoughts consumed her mind.

" I'm the reason he's dead." she cried. " It should have been me who died, not him!" she shouted with rage at her mother and herself.

" Not Fives." she whispered. A tingling feeling came back. A voice was telling something. She felt that she needed to listen to it. Anakin had told her not to, but it was too tempting.

Hey guys! Sorry for no updates yesterday. Iv'e been really stressed with school and everything and Saturday was my only free day. My school isn't giving midterms this year, so the teachers are just giving us a bunch of test, quizzes and projects before Christmas break. Like whats the point tho? I'd honestly rather have a midterm. I know imma fail math and bio. I loathe those classes with a passion. Literally on the edge of passing and I still have a test and quiz for both this week 😑 Lol sorry for the rant about school. ( So I might not update one day, depending on school. I will try tho.)

How is everyone today? Did y'all like the last Friday's episode of Mandalorian? Boba was so cool!

Thanks for all the support on this story btw😊


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