Chapter 35

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     The slow decent of the transport made Ahsoka's nerves spike. With not a clue of where she was or what was panned for her, all she could do was wonder. She never had been been away from Anakin for this long. He was always there when she needed him the most, now she wasn't sure if he would want to come and in many ways she hoped he didn't.

" Get off and walk straight ahead." the Sith shoved her forward. 

Ahsoka did as she said and walked. Of course it was another abandoned place. How could it not be. She had been to so many, though every time they creeped her out. The left over messes from the last user, the flickering dim lights and the feeling overall was just not pleasant. She didn't need the force to tell her that.

Akorra strolled next to her. She kept eyeing her. Ahsoka tried her best to ignore the gaze. It made her uncomfortable. 

Ahsoka rolled her eyes and huffed. " Would you stop looking at me like that?"

The response she got was no more than a low growl, but she did as she asked. " You really shouldn't aggravate me, young one." Akorra said moments later.

" Why, are you gonna kill me if I do?"

" You may be my daughter, but you are my prisoner nonetheless. I will not hesitate to take action." she said, keeping her vision straight.

Akorra held her hand out and stopped Ahsoka from moving any further. " Here, this room." she manually opened the no longer functioning sliding door. Once inside she threw the younger Togruta to the ground.

" Ow!" she yelped as she landed on her wrist the wrong way.  " What was that for!?" she snapped.

" Take off your left glove." Akorra gestured to her dark maroon finger-less glove that  stretched up and covered her forearm.

Ahsoka glanced down. The memories of Anakin asking her the same question resurfaced. 

" I won't ask again. Take the glove off." 

Ahsoka did. She kept her forearm faced towards her back so her mother couldn't see what was supposed to be healing.

" I know what's on your skin, dear. You don't have to hide it from me." 

" How did you-" 

" I saw inside your head. You have been through quite a lot in your time as a Jedi." 

Ahsoka recalled getting a slight headache on the ride to where ever they were, but she pushed it off as motion sickness or something.

" I-I don't know what you mean. It's just a battle scar." she lied.

" Don't try that talk with me. I already know." Akorra circled around her. 

" Your Master thinks you are a disappointment. You are weak!" she hit Ahsoka in the back of the lekku with her saber hilt. " You are pathetic!" she spat, this time kicking her in the ribs. " You let that senator take advantage of you because you were too scared to defend yourself!" 

Ahsoka clutched her aching side scrambling back on the floor to distance herself.

" You are worthless! A waste of time! A poor excuse for a Jedi!" the older Togruta continued. " You even let one of your own men die right in front of you. You could have prevented his death if you were strong enough." 

Ahsoka clenched her eyes shut. Five's face came back. 

" No, no, I couldn't, I-I should've..." she mumbled. A wave of fear came over her. Air was no longer entering her lungs. It took her a minute to realize that she was floating in mid air with an inadvisable hand wrapped around her neck. 

" They don't want you anymore Ahsoka. They don't care. They never did. The Jedi were using you. You mean nothing to them. Your Master hates you, so do the clones that you consider to be your friends."

" I- I'm sor-ry." Ahsoka choked out. She was used to saying sorry, what was one more. Maybe it would make it all stop, or maybe she deserved it.

A smile appeared across the Sith's lips as she chucked the girl into the wall and watched as she slumped to the ground.

" You're better off without them. The dark side will show you mercy. Use that pain for the greater good. I'm giving you the chance to destroy everyone and everything that caused you to be this way."

Ahsoka head her head in her hands. Her breaths were rapid. She needed someone to be with her, but then again that would make her a burden.

" I will be back in bit. Until then, you have a choice to make." Akorra took one last glance at her daughter before leaving.

Ahsoka felt the ever so familiar warm tears fall down her face. She was hurting,not just physically, but emotionally. It was as if all the thoughts she ever had against herself were laid out right in front of her, which was true. Everything she hated- her regrets, her mistakes, her insecurities, were just said out loud to her face.

" I can't-I can't keep doing this." she rasped. She need to release her anger and sadness. She scanned the room and found a piece of metal that had broken off from the table. She crawled over to it and held it to her wrist again.

" Please, I just want it to end." she sniffed. The sharp point make contact with her skin. It hurt. She forgot how much pain it caused. She scratched until there was multiple deep wounds that were oozing blood.

" I'm sorry Anakin, I said I wouldn't, I tried, really tried." she sobbed, letting the metal drop out of her hand, listening to it as it hit the ground.

Happy Monday💙🧡🤍

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