Chapter 26

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      Anakin entered his quarters. He was exhausted and was longing for a good nights sleep. He passed by Ahsoka's room. The lights were off so he assumed she was asleep. He stumbled into his own room and plumped down on his bed.

" Oh Ahsoka, what am I going to do with you?" the asked himself out loud.  " Tell me what to do, tell me how to help you." he begged wishing she could hear him. He sighed and turned over to turn the light off. 

" What?" his brows furrowed at the holocube sitting on his bedside table, " That wasn't there a few hours ago..." he picked it up and pressed the play button and to his surprise, Ahsoka popped up on the projection.

" Hey Master. I know that Iv'e been a disappointment lately and I am so sorry for that. I never wanted to be a burden to you. I'm sorry for worrying you these past weeks. I'm sorry for failing, I'm sorry for getting the troops killed...for Fives. I'm sorry for making your life harder. Tell the boys I'll miss them. Goodbye Master."  her voice cracked at the end. She was trying to keep the tears from escaping. 

Anakin watched as the hologram of her vanished. His heart was beating extremely fast. He immediately sprang out of bed and rushed to her room.

" Ahsoka!" he banged on the door, " Ahsoka! Open the door! Please! Ahsoka!" he used the force to open it. She wasn't there.

" No no NO NO!" he yelled in frustration. Anakin picked up her comm from the floor. He slumped down on the ground holding his head in his hands, " Why Snips! WHY!" he sobbed, " What did I do wrong!"

He made himself bring his comm to his lips.

" Obi Wan?"

Obi Wan responded rather quickly, " Anakin, what are you doing up at this hour?"  his tired voice said back.

" It's Ahsoka...she's run away." he waited for Obi Wan to say something, but he didn't answer.

" Obi Wan?" he asked again.

Suddenly he heard a loud knocking coming from the front entrance. Anakin hopped up to see who it was.

" Well, let's not waste any time." Obi Wan said breathlessly.

" Master? Your room is on the other side of the temple-"

" I am completely aware of that Anakin, now we need to begin sending search squads out immediately."

" Right, I'll alert Rex, Cody and Wolffe to gather some men. Have Master Plo meet us in the hanger." 

Obi Wan gave him a confused look, " Master Plo?"

" Yeah, Ahsoka once told me he was one of her oldest friends. He was the one that brought her to the temple. He has a deep bond with her, being her founder and all. It would be stupid to not have him come along." Anakin explained.

" Very well." Obi Wan sensed fear and sadness radiating off of his old apprentice, " We'll find her Anakin."

" Its not that Master, I just-I just feel that this is my fault. I'm her Master. I'm responsible for her and I let her down, now she's run away and-"

Obi Wan cut him off before he could finish his thought, " It's not your fault Anakin. You've told me that she's been acting like this for the past few weeks. She's a teenager in a war, she's going through scenarios that none of us had to go through. Some things you can't control. I'm sure you've done the best you could, now the only thing we can do is find her and bring her home safely."

Anakin nodded, " Okay, we better go now."

Be safe Snips. I can't imagine losing you. I don't know what I would do. Please.

Hey y'all. I've been so bored lately. I was going to publish this chapter on Monday, but then figured that I would just be as bored tomorrow, so here's the next chapter:)

Happy Sunday! Only 5 days until Christmas🎄🎄☃️( not counting today)

What do y'all want for Christmas btw?

-Chopper457 💙🧡🤍

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