Chapter 33

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     Anakin watched as Mandalore grew closer and closer. Not a second went by the whole trip that he wasn't thinking of Ahsoka. He tried to hold himself together, but every moment that they were still in space was another moment that Ahsoka could be in a lot of danger. 

" I know you're eager to get her back, Anakin, however, you need to be focused." Obi Wan reminded him.

" If someone is hurting her, I can't promise that I'll remain calm." Anakin admitted, clenching his fists.

" Remember, fear leads to anger and anger leads to the darkside." Obi Wan paused, understanding what his old apprentice was going through. " I just don't want you to make a decision that you might regret, even if it is to help Ahsoka."

Anakin folded his hands behind his back. " Like I said, no promises." 

" Why do I even bother?" his old master muttered under his breath.

The Resolute entered Mandalore's atmosphere.

Anakin's gaze scanned the large city. He was unsure on how he would find her, but there was no time for him to fail. " We're coming for you Snips. I won't let you down again." he murmured to himself.

     " Come now Ahsoka, you don't have to stay here." Akorra motioned for the Mandalorians to leave them. She placed her sabers back on her belt and held her hand out to her daughter. 

Ahsoka only stared at it, still unsure of what she should do. When she didn't take the hand, Akorra withdrew it and started to walk away. Ahsoka decided to loosely follow from behind. There wasn't any other place to go and she sure wasn't going to stay in that cell.

They walked in an awkward silence for a while until she couldn't take it anymore. There were so many questions that she needed answered.

 " Why did you help me? After everything you did to me back on Shili. Why do you care now all of a sudden?"

" I've always cared my tazi grut 

Ahsoka stopped in her tracks. She hadn't been called that...since she was abandoned, left alone to fend for herself on the streets. 

Akorra smiled knowing that the name would catch her daughter off guard. " This way." she continued. They had made it to the hanger and there was a ship waiting for them.

" Once we get to a position, there is something I want to talk to you about, Soka."

" Don't call me that." Ahsoka growled, though it seemed that her words didn't register in her mind. There wasn't much of a choice on whether she wanted to escape or not. She couldn't use the force and there was a Sith that could kill her at any moment, although she wasn't sure if her mother would, but she wasn't going to take any chances.

 Ahsoka silently boarded the ship, afraid of what was going to happen to her.

Anakin, I know you're probably looking for me. I am so sorry that I'm scaring you, but...I just need you to know that I made a mistake-a huge mistake. I should have never left. I don't deserve your time. Please stop looking for me.

She knew he couldn't hear her, but saying the words in her head somehow made her feel better.

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