Chapter 27

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" Lux?"

     " Hey Ahsoka." Lux grinned.

" Lux, I didn't expect you here." Ahsoka shifted her body away from him. However, he stepped nearer to her despite the gesture.

" Are you working undercover or something?"

Ahsoka opened the door to her room, " Yeah, and I'm kinda busy at the moment. Maybe you could come back later." she tried to close it but Lux placed a foot between the door before it could shut all the way.

" Come on, I haven't seen you since you and Senator Amidala visited Raxus. A few minutes to catch up won't hurt anything." he pressed on.

" Fine, but only a few minutes." Ahsoka let him in and sat down on the couch. 

" So how have you been since Iv'e last seen you?" he asked as he sat beside her.

Ahsoka hated the question how are you because she would always have to lie, " I've been good. Lots of missions and Jedi stuff, you know how it is. What bout you?"

" Senator business. Paper work, meetings, speeches..." he tapped his foot and started to mess with a piece of string that had come undone from his sleeve.

Ahsoka noticed but didn't think anything of it, " So uh, what are you doing here on Coruscant?"

" I have something I need to do." he reached into his pocket and scooched closer to her.

" Lux...what are you-" she didn't get to finish her sentence. Lux was laying on top of her with his free hand placed over her mouth.

" Lk, gmt mmf!" she tried to yell, struggling to push him off of her.

" I'm sorry Ahsoka," he said with a trembling voice. Ahsoka's eyes widened after seeing what he was about to do, " please forgive me." he then stunned her.

Once Ahsoka was out cold, Lux pulled rope he had brought out of his bag and bound her wrists behind her.

Lux's hands were shaking after realizing what he had just did, but it was too late to go back. He pulled out his comm, " Alright I held up my end of the deal, now you hold up yours." 

" Do you have her?" 

Lux looked over at the unconscious Ahsoka, " Yeah...I do."

" Good bring her to these coordinates and we'll discuss your reward."

The caller hung up leaving Lux alone.

Short chapter, but I think its enough to piss a lot of people off until Wednesday😂

Happy Monday!

-Chopper457 💙🧡🤍

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