Chapter 9

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     Ahsoka was preparing for the mission the next day. She had been at the temple for three weeks and was dying to get back onto the field. 

Her wounds were almost completely healed with the exception of the one she had recently given herself. 

She also had added a few new ones to her stomach where she was sure no one would ever see them.

Every so often during the day she would look take a peak at her wrist. The cuts had scabbed over making it difficult for her to do anything with that hand without withering in pain.

Pain is temporary

She would remind herself every time she regretted what she had done.  

She hadn't eaten a full meal since she carved the numbers permanently into her skin. In her mind she was doing well.

Dizziness was the only thing that effect that her new routine. 

She would wake up, train, eat the smallest amount possible to satisfy her stomach begging her to eat, do anything she needed to do for the day, train again and sleep. 

She had been doing that for a while now. It had become a part of her.

Ahsoka was walking through the halls to the council to meet her master. 

Every time she passed someone, she felt like they were judging her. Words bounced back in her head pulling her self esteem to it's lowest

When she entered council chambers she went and stood next to Anakin.

" Nice of you to join me Snips." Anakin whispered.

" I'm not that late." she hissed back defensively.

Yoda smiled at the bickering two.

" A mission I have for you both."

Omg i'm so sorry this is so short. I legit can't think of anything to write for this. I have a lot going on at school. I'm having serious writers block for this story rn. Ahhhh, I hate this. Sorry guys I feel so bad.

If u have any suggestions or anything you would like to see in the story please comment. 

I rly have no idea where to take this story and that's all my b, i'll try and think of something over the weekend.

I hope y'all had a great Wednesday!


-Chopper457 🧡💙🤍

Shattered Mind: Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now