Chapter 15

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     There was a soft rustle in the leafs. The sound of sticks snapping echoed through the quiet woods. Rex jolted awake when he heard the sound of a lightsaber ignite in the distance. He glanced down to see that Ahsoka was still asleep.

" Commander!" he whispered in a low voice staying aware not to draw attention to them.

Ahsoka stirred in her sleep.

" Commander!" Rex tried again, this time nudging her.

Ahsoka woke up and stood up abruptly only to be forced back down by a hand.

" Rex, whats going on?" she asked panicked at not knowing what was happening.

Rex held a finger to his lips and pointed to the campsite where Anakin, Fives, Jesse and Kix were still at.

" Droids." he spat.

Surrounding Anakin were way more than a dozen droids. There were too many for them to fight. Ahsoka watched as Anakin dropped his lightsaber and raised his hands in the air. His eyes searching through the trees what somehow connected with his padawan.

He shook his head as if reading her mind.

Ahsoka wanted to run out and save him, but she knew that it would be a reckless idea. Either she would get him and the others killed or her and Rex captured as well.

Ahsoka watched in horror as one of the commando droids placed cuffs on her friends.

" Commander, we need to move. We can't risk being caught." Rex placed his hand on her shoulder gently squeezing it. 

Ahsoka examined the environment, " Up there." she pointed to a large tree which had massive leafs growing off of it, giving plenty of cover from the attackers. 

" Ahsoka wait!" Rex shouted as she sprinted off. What she didn't see was that the droids had made their way to the edge of the forest where they were. She didn't see that the B1 sergeant had spotted her.

" Go. I'll cover you as you climb!" Rex shooed her off.

Ahsoka jumped up to the highest branch she could reach. Off to her side there was a series of other branches leading off to more and more abnormally tall trees. It was like a pathway, easy for an escape since the clankers wouldn't be able to see them.

Ahsoka stared down as Rex was getting overwhelmed by the numbers.

" Rex! Over here!" Ahsoka signaled down to him.

Rex ran to the tree and began to climb, but it was hard for him to hold his body weight with his injured shoulder. 

The droids made it to the bottom of the tree. Although they couldn't climb, they could still shoot. Red bolts shot upwards towards the Jedi and clone.

Rex stood on a the tree's limb after running out of branches to grab onto.

" Hold on! I'll get you to that one!" Ahsoka used the force to lift him to closer to the tree's bough.

" I got it!" he hollered reaching above his head to grip the bark.

A crack rang out from under him.

" REX!" Ahsoka shrieked. 

She witnessed his body fall down the tree, breaking several twigs along the way. He landed on the ground with a loud thud. 

The droids stopped firing. They stood over Rex's unconscious body, picked it up and left.

Ahsoka stared after them until they were out of sight. 

She sat down against the trunk and cried.

" Not again. Please not again." she sobbed. 

" I don't want to be alone. Not now." her sobs were becoming out of control. It was getting harder for her to breathe. Her chest felt tight. Ahsoka clutched her head wishing it would all stop.

" A-na-kin. I -ne-ed- y-ou." she said with a hitched gasp.

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