Chapter 34

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     There wasn't much to be said on the ride to wherever they were going. Ahsoka kept her head down, not daring to give her mother any attention. She wanted nothing more to go back in time and stop herself from running away.  She had hurt her Master and the her legion by making a stupid choice that wasn't even worth it in the end. Maybe she didn't want to see them again. They would be angry and disappointed with her, then again wasn't that what she always was to them?

Akorra stood stationary with her back turned to Ahsoka. She hadn't said a word to her either. Instead she was listening to her thought. Ahsoka's mind was in millions of pieces and without the power of the force she couldn't block or even sense that she was looking. Akorra saw her daughters memories of the past few months play by. She witnesses the good loving memories, but those soon were covered by the dark clouded ones. 

" Ahsoka." she didn't even realize she said her name until it was already spoken.

Ahsoka didn't seem to thrilled that she was speaking to her. " What do you want." she spat venomously, clearly annoyed.

" What is your Master like?"

" Why do you want to know?"

" I can tell you are hurt by him. What has he done to you to cause you so much pain, dear." she pressed on, trying to pry information out.

" He didn't do anything." Ahsoka snapped, anger radiated off of her.

" You can tell me, my tazi grut." she said again.

Ahsoka turned sharply. " Don't call me that. You lost the right to a long time ago!"

Akorra glared at her. She would turn her no matter how hard it would be. She will break her. Not only did she have the upper hand, but Ahsoka was already torn inside, the only thing she needed to do was bring her to the point where she could no longer deny her emotions. 

In time, you will be mine once more.

     When the Resolute landed, Anakin rushed down to the docking bay. 

" Anakin wait!" he heard Obi Wan call after him.

" No time!" he quickly yelled back. Rex and his some of the members from his legion were already with him.

" Skywalker! Just where do you think you're going." another voice boomed from behind him.

Anakin slowly looked over his shoulder. " I'm going to find my padawan."

Plo motioned for his troops to go ahead while he gave Anakin a stern look. " I know you are worried about her Skywalker. Everyone is, but you must think before you act. We don't even know where to start. Patience young Skywalker."

" I'm sorry. It's just...when I can't feel her, I fear the worst." he grumbled.

" I understand that. We will find her, I promise you." Plo assured.

" I'm counting on it." Anakin gathered back his senses and walk with Plo off the ship.

Hey y'all, sorry it's shorter than my usual chapters. This week I've had a lot of school work that I needed to focus on and I'm really tired today. I'll think over the weekend about this story and be more prepared next time.

Love y'all,

-Chopper457 💙🧡🤍

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