Chapter 18

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     " Okay, just get to the ship and everything will be alright." Ahsoka had to tell herself. She had been sitting in the tree since Rex was taken captive. She looked down and saw that the coast was clear. Once down, she made her way back to the camp with their ship.

Upon approaching the camp all she could see was the mess that the Separatist had left. The fire was put out leaving the air lingering with the smell of smoke from the night before. She could still picture the clones and Anakin laughing together.

Ahsoka boarded the ship and went into the cockpit, ready to leave.

She stopped in her tracks. There was someone sitting in one of the chairs.

" Who's there. Turn around." she ordered taking out her lightsabers, holding them firmly in her grip.

" I said turn around." Ahsoka inched closer to the intruder.

" Now that's not a polite way to talk to your mother Soka." Akora turned slowly facing her daughter with a creepy kind smile plastered on her lips.

Ahsoka could feel her jaw drop. Memories flooded her mind.

" No, this isn't real." she stumbled backwards away from the woman who claimed to be her mother.

" Search you feelings my daughter, you know it to be true." Akora stood up and began walking towards her. 

" You... you abandoned me! You left me alone all those years ago! Why here, why now?" she shouted remembering faintly the time when there was no one there for her when she needed her the most.

" I was two when you left!" Ahsoka yelled. " How could you have left me alone at that age!"

" That wasn't my choice young one. I was forced to give you up. You don't know how long I have been searching for you. Come here my little'Soka." Akora reached out her hand to Ahsoka only to get it slapped away.

" You don't get to call me that." she snarled. 

Only Master Plo does.

" I see. You would rather be with the Jedi than with the one whom gave you your life."

Ahsoka held her sabers tighter focusing on not letting her emotion get the best of her. " You are no mother of mine."

" So be it." 

With a swift move of her hand, Akora summoned her own saber which was a deep red.

" You're a Sith." Ahsoka narrowed her eyes and charged towards her bringing her blade to clash with the ruby one. 

" You will stop this." her mother commanded grabbing Ahsoka's wrists.

Ahsoka dropped her sabers, now overpowered, the only chance she had was to escape and find Anakin and the others, where ever they were.

" Not so fast my dear." Akora caught her gaze drifting to the door. She let one of her wrist go to have a free hand. Her fist meet with Ahsoka's face. She heard her daughter cry out in pain.

" I'm sorry Ahsoka, but this is for your own good." 

" No-" 

Darkness swarmed her vision until she couldn't feel anything.

Hey guys, so iv'e made a schedule for all my ongoing stories. Starting on Monday that's schedule I will be following. Also kinda sorta on topic, I wrote a total of 501 words for this chapter( get it 501st. Ik not that cool but still) 

Have y'all seen the new episode of the Mandalorian yet? If so what did you think of Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka?

Happy Friday!

 - Chopper457 💙🧡🤍

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