Chapter 5

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     " Alright Snips, I want you to get some rest." Anakin said once they got back to the temple.

" But Master--" Ahsoka started to protest.

" No buts Snips. You need to rest in order for your wounds to heal." he told her sternly meaning that he really meant it. 

Anakin was rarely ever serious with her. The only times he was were when he would get mad at her for doing something reckless.

" Yes Master." Ahsoka knew there was no point in arguing with him. He was too stubborn. Like him though, she didn't easily let her opinion go.

Ahsoka sat on her bed and stared at the clock.

It was around 2200.

 Anakin should be going to sleep soon.

She eagerly wanted to go and train. Anakin definitely wouldn't have let her go if she asked, so she took it upon herself to make sure she did.

The lights from under the crack of the door turned off. As quiet as she could, Ahsoka clipped her sabers to her belt and snuck out of her room.

She tiptoed to the exit. The front door swished open making a sound.

 Out of fear of getting caught Ahsoka froze listening for the sounds of her Master. When she was sure that he wasn't coming she relaxed and made her way to the training room. 

Ahsoka had developed a new fear after the incident with her classmates. She was afraid of being alone. She was paranoid while walking down the halls.

I need to prove myself. See Ahsoka, your a wimp. Scared to walk by yourself? What kind of Jedi are you?  She scolded.

When she reached the training room she was relieved that it was empty. Nobody could judge her.

Starting with the basics and adding more advanced and complex moves every minutes Ahsoka was soon out of breath. Beads of sweat her scattered across her face as she continued to practice more and more.

The starry night sky was beginning to lighten, but yet Ahsoka refused to stop working.

Five more minutes

Suddenly the door flung open.

Ahsoka lost her concentration fell out of a flip in mid air, smacking her head on the ground. She felt that one of her cuts had reopened from under the bandages.

" Lil' Soka what are you doing here so early?" a kind warm voice asked.

Ahsoka stood up feeling a bit lightheaded.

" Master Plo." she bowed. " I was just training for a bit." she lied. She never lied to Master Plo. 

Plo examined all of her bandages and bruises.

" What happened to you Soka?" he asked feeling the sudden urge to protect her.

Ahsoka remembered that he nor anyone knew about her injuries side from Kix.

" A mission gone wrong." she replied.

" You shouldn't be training in this condition Lil' Soka." he parented, laying a hand on her shoulder.

" You and Anakin both." she muttered under her breath.

" Master, if you'll excuse me, I think i'll go back to my quarters."

" Very well. I wish for you to recover well." Plo smiled at her under his mask. 

" Thank you Master Plo." Ahsoka said as she left.

Plo remembered when he first meet the young Togruta. 

Her eyes full of life. A smile that could brighten anyone's day. He had felt a connection to her the moment he stepped foot on Shili all those years ago. Although she may not be his padawan, he had a deep bond with her.

That bond could see through any lie she told him. Plo also had known her long enough to know when something was troubling her.

I need to speak to Skywalker about young Soka. He concluded.

  I was lucky it was only Master Plo. If it were Anakin that would be a different story.

Ahsoka shuttered at the thought on the way back to her quarters.

She entered and saw that the lights were still off.

Good, hes still asleep.

Ahsoka silently passed by his room and safely made it to hers.

Once back, she turned the water on and prepared for a nice warm shower.

The water ran over some of her cuts making them burn. At first she flinched as they felt unpleasant.

No I deserve this.

She turned the water even hotter until it was scalding. Now her whole body was on fire. Ahsoka bit her tongue despite the pain. This was something she had to do.

Finally she couldn't take it anymore. She turned the water all the way down until it was freezing making her going from feeling like she was on Mustafar to feeling like she was on Hoth. 

When she got out of the ice cold water, she was numb. After wrapping a towel around herself she wiped away the steam from the mirror. 

Her skin was a different color orange. It had a few red irritated areas from the drastic temperature change. Mostly around her wounds.

Her lekku was a few different shades as well. If she was being honest, she looked very sick.

 Not just because of the color of her skin. She had bags under her eyes from the late hours and the constant not being able to sleep at night, and not to mention her injuries added to the look.

Ugly was the word that popped into her mind and she believed it. 

Anakin woke from a well rested sleep. One he hadn't had in a while. 

He strolled into the kitchen and was about to sit down for a hearty breakfast when he heard a knock.

" Coming !" he called getting up to see who it was.

He answered and was a bit confused by the person who was standing before him

" Master Plo? What brings you here."

" Good day Skywalker. I wanted to talk to you about Lil' Soka." he said with worry in his voice.

Anakin was scared.

What happened to Ahsoka now?

" Of course, come in." he said leading Plo over to the kitchen table to talk.

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