Family Bonding

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I was in my office, doing paperwork

Suddenly Seungcheol came in "Y/n" He said "Yes?" I said "Can you cancel your schedule?" He asked

"Why?" I asked "Cause Hana's teacher called saying Hana wasn't happy like usual" He said

"So can you pick her up from school and cheer her up?" He asked and I nodded

"I'll take over your schedule, You go and spend time with her" He said

"What are you waiting for?" He asked and I grabbed my things

(So tell me what your waiting for~♪)

"You better not do anything Bad" I said

"Oh come its not like you're leaving for a week and I told the boys to help me" He said "Then if you guys do anything bad i'll kick you guys out of the house" I said

"We wont do anything bad, Now go home!!" He said and I walked out of my office and went to my car

"Jackson (A/n: not from got7) Can you tell me if something bad happens at the office?" I said, Jackson is the guard of this building

"Sure Ma'am but Why?" He asked "Cause im going to spend time with my daughter, So report everything back to me if something bad happens, okay?" I said and he nodded

"Okay bye" I said and went inside my car, He waved goodbye and went back to work


I arrived at Hana's school and I saw all of the kids walking outside

I was looking all over for my daughter

"Mommy!" I heard someone shouted, I looked at the person and I saw my baby

"Hana" I said and hugged her tightly "I miss you" She said "But you just saw me before you went to school" I said "I nwow but I miss you Mommy" She said

(Nwow = Know)

"How about we go and get some ice cream" I said and she started Jumping

"YEYY!!" She said, I carried her "Eomma bwing me down, Me is not baby anymwore" She whined

(You're still a baby, Hana)
(Bwing = Bring, Anymwore = Anymore)

"You're only 3 years old, baby" I said and she laughed

Jungkook's pov

While I was walking around, I saw the school where we Kidnapped Y/n's child...

I looked around it and I saw a child and a mother hugging each other

I went closer and observed them, I looked at the mother and it was

"I wish I have Dad so we can.... Happy! Yey!!" Hana said

(I wish, I have a dad so we can be happy -this is what she said)

"Eomma why cant you twell me who Appa is??" She asked "lets just go get some ice cream" Y/n said

(Twell = Tell)

They went in her car and drove off, Well since im a stalker I followed them


Y/n's pov

We were now at the ice cream parlor and there were alot of people

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