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It was 2 days before Valentine's day and I was excited cause we were invited to a party

All of the CEO's, Billionares, Mafias, Gangsters and more, of course Kpop idols weren't allowed to come cause it was dangerous

(But Jaywaypee came coz he's a mafia boss😩😈😈)

Me and Hana were wearing dresses

Yes, Hana is coming cause the boys are coming too

(A/n: their clothes↓↓)

"Eomma will Appa be there?" Hana asked "Yes baby, he will be there" I said and she smile"Yey!!" Hana said

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"Eomma will Appa be there?" Hana asked "Yes baby, he will be there" I said and she smile
"Yey!!" Hana said

"Lets go downstairs" I said and she nodded

"Y/n, Namjoon said you guys need to go to their house, Jungkook is still asleep and he wont wake up even when Jin Pinched his nipples" S.Coups said

(He's dead)

"Okay" I said "We have to go to your Appa's house to wake him up" I said


We were now at Bangtan's house, I knocked on the door and Jin answered it

"Oh hi Y/n, you're here to wake up Jungkook right?" Jin asked and I nodded

"I dont know what happened to him, We couldn't wake him up" Jin said "Maybe he's dead" I said and Jin chuckled

"Lets go wake up Appa!" Hana said and she ran inside

"She's like a Mini you" Jin said and I chuckled

I went to Jungkook's room and saw Hana ontop of Jungkook

"Eomma he isnt waking up" Hana said and I closed the door behind me

"APPA WAKE UP!!!" Hana screamed, I checked his heart beat and it was still beating

"Y/n..." Jungkook said in his sleep "MOM HE TALKED" Hana said, I pinched Jungkook's nipples but he didnt move

(That ain't Jeongguk)

"He's dead" I said "Appa wake up!!" Hana said and stared Jumping ontop of him

(Or unconscious? Or maybe dead)

"Stop" Jungkook said, I pinched his ears "Aish!" Jungkook said and moved around

I squished Jungkook's cheeks
(A/n: Picture at the top↑↑)

I smirked and touch his private part when Hana wasn't looking,  he moaned "APPA WAKE UP!!" Hana shouted at the top of her lungs while Jumping on Jungkook

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now