💌 Secret admirer?💌

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I woke up and saw a note beside my bed

I opened it and it said:

-Dear Y/n

I hope you had a great sleep, well I put out notes here in the house and this is the first one ofc, try and finding the other notes in the house

-your secret admirer-

I have a secret admirer, Too bad Im gonna ignore his (A/n: Or her👀) note

I walked to the bathroom and saw another note on the door of the bathroom, It said

-I know you ignored my note, go get ready and take a shower, after that go downstairs and go to the fridge-

"Who is this secret admirer and how the heck did he put the notes in the house?!" I said



After I took a shower, I went downstairs

"Hana? S.Coups? Hyunjin? Dino? Mark? Hoshi? Anyone?" I said but no one answered

I went to the fridge and saw a note

-Yey you read the note!

Now I want you to go eat breakfast that I cooked for you

P.S its on the counter-

I looked around and saw pancakes, I ate them and it was very delicious

I saw a note underneath the plate, so I took it and read it

-is it yummy? I hope you think its yummy cause I cooked that with my heart

Now go to your car and you will see another note there ;)-

"Wow I didnt know his heart can cook" I said and put the note back "This is like finding treasure" I chuckled

I went to my car and saw a note on the steering wheel

I read it

-your probably wondering 'who is this Secret admirer' but dont worry this Secret admirer is very Handsome

xxx go to this address;)-

"Okay?" I said and started driving to the address he wrote

I think I already know who this is, like who else would be in my house and call himself my secret admirer when it's not a secret


I arrived at the address and it was a fancy Restaurant

"Oh You Must be Ms. Jeon Y/n!" The waitress said and I nodded

"Please come and Follow me" She said and I nodded and followed her

She walked to a door and We went in

It was a private room with a small table in the middle and a beautiful scenery

"Here is the note" The waitress said and gave it to me

"Thank you" I said and she left, I read the note

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