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Y/n's pov

"Y/N-AHH!!" My boyfriend, Jihoon said

"Yes?" I asked "I heard you had been hanging out with another boy!" He said

"My friends told me you kissed him!!" He shouted making the innocent me flinch

"T-that was my brother" I said "Brother my ass, Do brother's and sister's kiss!?" He asked

Jihoon, My Abusive, Overprotective, Maniac boyfriend
(Then why don't you break up with him?)

He is the worst boyfriend ever... I can't go out with my brother, I can't talk to his friends

I fell inlove with him when we were at college, He was this Nice and Charming boy, that every girl had a crush on and every boy had been jealous on

All of the teachers adored him but when it was the last semester he changed

His grades went down, his attitude changed, his personality changed

The teachers and the students hated him but not me

I still loved him even though he changed

But I dont know if he loves me back anymore

We were that lovely dovey couple in College, he was the only boy I talked too

Even though he abuses me I still love him

you might think im crazy for still being inlove with him even though he abuses me but I don't care

"Im going out with some friends, don't wait for me" He said and went out and I heard him lock the door

"Great" I said "Now im Stuck in this boring house without my phone" I said

He confiscated my phone cause he thinks im talking to some other dude

But I would never do that, He is my first love, I love him with my whole heart but I think he doesn't love me


Finally, this is the first time he allowed me to visit my brother

He said I could go home late if I want too

"Oppa!!" I said "sis!" My brother Namjoon said

"I missed you oppa!" I said "I missed you too, Y/nniee" He said

"Why did you only visit now?" He asked "Sorry I was busy" I lied

"Busy?" He asked "Y-Yeah busy with.... SCHOOL, Yeah school.." I said nervously

"Y/n, I already told you to break up with him!!" He said

"Oppa but I love him!!" I said "But does he love you!?" He asked and I went silent

"Thats what I thought, Lets go to his house and you will pack your things!!" He said and I looked down

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