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Im still tryna edit this story 😃

Y/n's pov

I woke up with the sun shining on my face and in someone's arms

I looked around and saw Jungkook hugging me

"Good morning baby" He said with a raspy voice as he opened his eyes

"Good morning" I said and looked at him

We both stood up and tried not to make a sound cause Hana was still asleep

"Give me my morning kiss" Jungkook said and I shooked my head

"Please" He said with puppy eyes "No" I said and he pouted

"Hurry im gonna be late for work" I said and he nodded


We went downstairs and somebody knocked on the door

"I'll go get it" I said and went to the door

I opened it and it was the police "Oh Hello, what brings you here?" I asked "Is Mr. Jeon Jungkook here?" The policeman asked

"Yes, he's here, Why?" I asked "im here" Jungkook said and he went beside me

"Mr. Jeon you're under arrest for human trafficking and For being a drug dealer" The policeman said

"What?" I asked "Human trafficking?" I said and looked at him and he was also confused

"Mr. Park Jihoon was under arrest for Human trafficking and for being a drug dealer and he told us Mr. Jeon was involved, So Mr. Jeon will be staying in Jail until he's proven innocent" The Policeman said and handcuffed Jungkook

"Hey, He didnt do anything, He's Innocent so let him go" I said and the policemen ignored me

"What's going on?" S.Coups said and held Jungkook who was being dragged by the police

"Mr. Jeon is being arrested for Human trafficking and For being a drug dealer" The policeman said

"How do you know he's involve in that?" Taeyong said and also held Jungkook hand

"Mr. Park Jihoo-" "Yeah Yeah Park Jihoon that dumbass" Bangchan interrupted

"Im sorry sir but I don't think you know me" The Policeman said

"We know all of the police so Shut up" Hoshi said

The policeman was about to pull out his gun when

"Put that darn gun down" Somebody said and we Looked at the direction and it was Namjoon and The rest of Bangtan

"Mr. Kim please dont get involve into this" The Policeman said

"this guy your taking is our friend and one of the most important people to my sister" Namjoon said

"Im sorry but Mr. Jeon needs to go to our police station and he needs to stay there for a few weeks until he is proven innocent" The Policeman said and dragged Jungkook away

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now