•°"᭙ꫝꪮ ⅈડ ꪑꪗ ᠻꪖ𝕥ꫝꫀ𝕣?"°•

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•Time skip•
•3 years later•

After 3 years we decided to go back korea

"Woww Eomma it wooks so butiful here!!" Hana said as we got off the private jet

"Are we in Kowea Eomma??" She asked and I nodded and she widened her eyes

"What?" I asked "I heard Twice unnie lives here!!" She said and started Jumping

"Eomma can we go to theiwr conwert??" She asked and I nodded

"Sure, but you have to be a good girl, okay?" I said and she nodded while giggling

"Uncwle Taeyong can you cawy me pwease" Hana said and Taeyong carried her

"Call me oppa not uncle it makes me feel old" Taeyong said and we all Laughed

"Lets go home so we can sleep" Bangchan said and we all nodded

We went to the car and the driver started driving

Everyone was sleeping except me and Hana

I was about to sleep when she asked me a question

"Eomma who is my Appa??" She asked and I widened my eyes

"You dont have an Appa" I said and she was confused

"But why do my pwends in America have fwathers but I don't?" She asked

"Just sleep honey" I said and sat her on my lap

"Okay Eomma" She said and drifted off to sleep

'Why did she ask that question!?' I said to myself

(Idk lmao)

I ignored it and slept


"Noona wake up we're here" I heard Someone say I opened my eyes and saw Mark

I saw my Baby still asleep and I decided not to wake her up

Mark carried my bags and I carried my Baby

We entered the house and I walked straight to my room

I put her on my bed and she opened her eyes

"Eomma" She said "Yes?" I asked "Answer my question" She whined "Who is my fwather?" She said "I told you, you dont have a Father" I said

"Pwease tell me who he is so I can pwunch him cause he weft us" She said and I chuckled "We'll talk about this another time but for now we're going to eat" I said and she nodded slowly

We went downstairs and we saw all of them sitting on the couch

"What awe we eating?? Im hungwy" Hana said "We dont have food here so we'll go out" Hoshi said and Hana started Jumping around

"WHO IS MY APPA" She said while Running around the house, they all chuckled

"Hana lets go get you dressed" I said and she ran towards me

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