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I woke up and looked around and I was in Jungkook's room

'I thought I slept on the couch' I said to myself and walked to the bathroom

(You thought)

I took a shower and wore some short shorts and a white shirt

(No bra or underwear.... Welp-)

I walked downstairs and saw 4 men (A/n: Hyung line) "Where are the others?" I asked

"They're at the 3rd floor training" Jin said "Speaking of training, Y/n go to the 3rd floor" My brother said and I nodded and walked to the 3rd floor

I went up and I heard someone punching something

(Is someone getting beaten up?)

I opened the door to that room and saw the 3 guys punching a punching bag

I saw another guy who was looking at the 3

I sat on the chairs and they finally noticed me and all the attention goes to me

(Yesd Y/n famous)

"Ah so you are Kim Y/n it's my pleasure to meet you" The man said and I bowed and shooked his hand

"I'm a trainer, I'm training these boys and your brother said I should train you but I think Jungkook should train you since he's my best student" The trainer said and Jimin and Taehyung looked at him shocked

"I thought I was your best student!?" They both said and I chuckled

"But what am I gonna train about?" I asked "Self defense" Jungkook said and took off his gloves and sat down on the floor

"I have something important to do so keep training boys" The trainer said and grabbed his things and walked away

"We're going to play games in the gaming room" taehyung and Jimin said and left leaving me and Jungkook alone

"Let's get started" He said and I nodded and he stood up

He came close to me and held my waist "What would you do if a man touches you like this?" He asked, I stayed silent cause he was holding my waist

(If he was handsome like you, probably kiss him or touch his waist too lol, but if he's ugly or handsome but a perverted son of a bitch, kick him where the sun doesn't shine)


After a few months of training self defense, How to shoot with a gun and other mafia stuff

"So Y/n this is your last day of training" He said and I nodded

"You've been a very good student" He said and patted my head

"We're going somewhere to train, go get your things ready" He said and I nodded

I went to grab some guns and knives and some gear

I put on my gear and put the knives and guns in my pocket

I walked back to him and saw him already ready

"Let's go" He said and I nodded and followed him

We walked downstairs and the 6 boys were looking at us

"Where are you guys going?" My brother asked

"We're going on a date" Jungkook said and we all widened our eyes in shock

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now