🎁A special gift for Hana🎁

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It has been a few months since that incident and it was Hana's 4th birthday

"Hana" I said trying to wake her up "Hana wake up its your birthday today" I said and she didn't even move

I showered her with kisses and she finally woke up

"Eomma!!" She whined "Its your birthday today, You have to get ready" I said

"Is Appa coming?" She asked "Appa?" I asked

"Jungkook Appa" She said "Why do you call him Appa?" I asked

"Well he said I could call him anything so I called him, Appa and I want him to become my Appa" She said

"You have to take a shower, your uncles are coming later" I said

"Eomma lets wear matching dresses" Hana said and I laughed

"Sure" I said and she hugged me


After we showered we wore matching dresses ofc

(A/n: Picture at the top↑↑↑)

"Aww you look so cute!" I said "My baby is growing up so fast" I said

"Eomma when can I meet my real Appa?" She asked "Secret" I said and she whined

"Lets go down, your uncles are probably waiting" I said and she nodded

I carried her and we walked downstairs

"Woww so cute!!" Hyunjin said "Uncle Jaehyun what are you cooking?" Hana asked

"Im baking a cake" Jaehyun said "I LOVE CAKE!!" Hana said and we all chuckled

Suddenly the door bell rang "i'll go get it" I said and went to the door

I opened it and saw Bangtan "Why are you guys here so early?" I asked "We wanted to see Hana" Jin said

"Come in" I said and they went in "Wow sis you look good" Namjoon said "Thanks" I said

"DADDYYYYY!!!" Hana shouted and ran to Jungkook

They both hugged each other "I missed you Appa!" Hana said

"Why didnt I receive a hug?" Jimin said and he pouted

Hana hugged Jimin but went back to Jungkook


"You guys are wearing matching outfits" Taehyung said "They always wear matching outfits!!"
Felix shouted from the kitchen and I chuckled

"You guys stay right there, I'll be back with some snacks" I said and went to the kitchen

"Noona~~" Hyunjin said with a teasing voice

"what?" I asked "I saw the way Jungkook hyung looked at you~~" He said

"Hyunjin can you stop or else you're going sleep outside" I said "Im sorry" He said and walked away while laughing

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