♪×°•the start of a new life•°×♪

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It's been 3 months since that happened and I was pregnant and the gender is a girl

I was just in the house with the youngers while the olders go to missions

I told them that I need to say something, so we went to the meeting room

All of them were now sitting in our meeting room confused

"What do you want to talk about Y/n?" S.Coups said "We need to talk about something" I said and they were confused

"What is it?" They asked "We need to stop being a mafia" I said and they were shocked

"What do you mean?" Bangchan said "Well i've been thinking.......... That we should stop being a mafia......." I said

"Why?" Taeyong asked "Jisung and Chenle are still kids and they still need to go to school, in a few months i'll give birth to my child but if we still continue being a mafia they might get in danger" I said and they all nodded

"But what are we gonna do when we stop doing mafia things?" Hoshi said

"I'll try to open a small clothing store with the money we have and Jisung and Chenle will go to University" I said and 2 boys whined

"Noona I don't wanna go to school" They both said and I chuckled "Well you have to" I said and they whined even more

"And maybe if the clothing store will be successful you guys can be the models" I said and they chuckled

"What do you think Coups?" I asked and we all looked at him

"Yeah let's stop this and live a normal life" He said and I smiled at him

"Noona" I heard Hyunjin say "What do you want?" I asked "I'm hungry" he said and I chuckled

"Okay" I said and walked towards the kitchen "KIM Y/N GET BACK HERE!!" "DONT THINK OF COOKING" "GET BACK HERE AND REST!!" I heard all of them say and I chuckled

They changed after I got pregnant, they became overprotective and strict

I couldn't do anything in this house, I quickly ran to the kitchen

"Y/NNNNNN!!!" They all shouted, I heard footsteps coming near me

Suddenly I tripped on something and I almost fell, luckily someone held me

I looked at the person and it was Hyunjin "NOONA ARE YOU OKAY!?" he shouted and I covered my ears

"I'm fine thank you for saving me" I said and he hugged me

suddenly I heard all the boys coming around us


"Damn imma be deaf by all of you" I said and chuckled

"Fine imma go to my room and sleep, make sure to cook food for these boys" I said

"But what about our weapons?" they asked "We'll keep them" I said and they were confused

"People are going to go after us even though we're not Mafias cause they will think we're weak" I said and they nodded

"But the weapons are only used if somebody broke in, stole some things, planning to kill us or if someone attacks us, Okay?" I asked and they nodded

"Well I'm going to rest, remember to cook for the boys" I said and they nodded and I walked upstairs


A few weeks later we were doing fine, I opened up a clothing company and it was doing fine

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now