×Song Yerin×

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Y/n's pov

I woke up with the sun shining on my face

I Looked around and saw no one beside me

I realized Jungkook was still in prison

He still hasn't been proven innocent

I sighed and went to my bathroom and took a shower


Somebody barged in my office and I groaned

"How many time do I have to tell you people to knock before enterin-" "I dont care!" The person said and I looked up

It was the Yerin girl from the Police station

"Okay tell me what you want" I said "Sta-" "Oh wait let me continue it for you, sTaY AwAy fRoM JuNgKoOk OpPa" I cutted her

"Look I dont care how famous you are! So shut the fuck up!!" She said

"Geez okay, i'll shut up" I said and she went infront of me

"Too close" I said "who are you to steal Jungkook OpPa away from me?" She said

"Im your mother fucking nightmare" I said and slapped her and she fell down

I laughed crazily cause of her reaction

"Did I slap you too hard? Are you gonna go to your mother and cry? Hmmm? Aww your such a bitch" I said

"Go home and cry" I said but she slapped me

I smirked and grabbed her hair and slammed her face on my desk

"Look, if you're here to ruin our relationship, please stop cause im gonna kill before you could do that" I said and Someone barged through the door again

"What's happening he- Yerin?" My brother who just barged in my office said

"Can you take her outside before I kill her?" I said and he nodded

I let go of Yerin's hair and push her to my brother

I went back to my work and somebody knocked on the door

"Come in" I said and they came in, it was Blackpink

I ran to them and hugged them and they hugged me back

"I miss Y'all!!" I said "We miss you too!!" They said

We pulled out of the hug "So, How's life?" Jisoo asked "Its good unnie" I said and she kissed my forehead

"My baby is already growing up so fast" She said and we all laughed

"So how are you and Jungkook?" Jennie asked "Well we're fine but he's in jail..." I said

"WHAT!?" They all Shouted "He was accused of Human Trafficking and being a drug dealer" I said

"AND THEY BELIEVED IT!?" Lisa said "No he's still being proven innocent" I said

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