Christmas special

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Hello everyone~

Im going to be posting this on Christmas so

Merry Christmas to the readers

I hope you enjoy this chapter and also

Thank you all for the support and love y'all have shown me

And once again enjoy 😉

Y/n's pov

"Mommy~" I heard Jeonghan said

"Yes baby?" I asked "When is Daddy coming home?" He asked

"Yeah Mommy, What time is Daddy coming home?" Joshua asked

"I don't know..." I said and they slumped on the couch

"It's almost Christmas but Daddy isn't coming home yet" Jeonghan said

If y'all are wondering why they're asking when Jungkook is coming home it's because he hasn't been home in a few months

He left for a mission

I sighed and the boys came to me and hugged me

"Mommy can you call daddy?" Joshua said

"Oh yeah sure, i'll try to call him" I said and pulled out my phone and called him

His phone was ringing but he wasn't answering

After a few more calls he finally answered

"Hello?" I said "Hello? Is this the owner of this phone? I found it on the street" The person said

"What?" I asked confused

"I found this phone on the streets a few days ago and I tried to call anyone from the contacts but no one answered" The person said

"So are you in a relationship with this person? Cause the name of this number is 자기야 (jagiya) with hearts" The person asked

"Im his wife" I said "Oh! So is your husband there? Is he looking for his phone?" The person asked

"No my husband isn't here, Where is your location?" I asked

"It's xxx" the person said

"Oh it's in korea?" I asked confused

Jungkook told me he was going to America for a mission

"Yeah, Are you not in korea right now?" The person asked

"No, I'm in Korea, Im actually very near to that place" I said

"Oh okay, Let's meet up later so I can give you this phone" the person said

"Can I ask what's your name?" I asked

"Choi Yeonjun, How about you? What's you're name?" He said

"It's mr. Fuckboy to you!" Somebody shouted

"YAH SOOBIN SHUT UP!!" Yeonjun shouted

"Yeonjun what the fuck!? Stop messing the place up!!" Another boy said

"You were the one who messed the place up, beomgyu!!" Yeonjun shouted

"Eyow, Im Korean Eminem" another boy said

"Taehyun shut up!! You're not Korean eminem!!" Yeonjun shouted

Are they okay?

Suddenly I heard a loud dolphin scream

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