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Y/n's pov

I walked downstairs going to ask what time we're going to the club

I only saw Jungkook sitting on the couch

"Jungkook?" I said and he hummed in response while looking at his phone

"What time are we going to the club?" I asked "Maybe 7 or 8pm" He said and I was confused

When I'm going to clubs I always go morning or afternoon

"What kind of club are we going?" I asked "What do you mean?" He asked now looking at me

"We're going to a strip club" He said and I was shocked

"You look a bit suprise?" He asked "I didn't know we were going to a strip club, I thought were going to a club like mickey mouse clubhouse" I said and he chuckled

"You are so innocent that it's so cute" He said and I turned into a tomato

Suddenly the door opened revealling all 6 of them

"Where did you guys go?" Jungkook asked and I was frozen

"Y/n?" Namjoon said and I jumped alittle bit

"Yes?" I asked "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded

"Namjoon Hyung your sister is so innocent" Jungkook said and they look at him

"She thought were going to mickey mouse clubhouse or something" Jungkook said and I ran upstairs in embarrassment

I went inside the bed and put the blanket around me

I didn't know whose room I went in, I just went inside a random room

Suddenly somebody went in the room and I peeked and it was Jungkook

'Dammit in any room I could go in, I went in Jungkook's, the guy that embarrassed me a while ago' I said to myself

Suddenly he pulled the blanket off of me revealling me in his bed

"Are you still coming to the club?" He asked and I nodded slowly

"I'm sorry" He said and I looked at him "I'm sure Namjoon or Jin oppa asked you to come here and say sorry" I said

"How do you know?" He said in a sarcastic tone

"Hey look I'm sorry" He said and grabbed my chin gently making me look at him

"Go get ready it's night were going to the club now" He said and I was shocked I checked the time and it was 7:35pm

"THE FU- DGE!!!" I stopped what I was saying "YOU CURSED!!" He said "No I didn't" I said and ran to Namjoon's room

I saw him in the bed "Sis are you still coming to the club with us?" He asked and I nodded

"I'll go and change first you take to long" He said and I nodded and went to the the bed and he went inside the bathroom


Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now