The fight

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"babyyy" I said but he ignored me

"Jungkook" I said "Jungkookie" I said "Jungkook oppa?" I said

"Honey? Jagi? Yeobo?" I said but he still ignored me

"Yah!! Why are you ignoring me!?" I said "Can you just shut up!?" He shouted and I was taken back

"Fine i'll shut up" I said and rolled my eyes

I stood up from the bed and went out

I went downstairs and ate my lunch without him

I just watched vids about JYP working out, shirtless

I watched another vid about him dancing while shirtless

"Wow, He's so good at dancing!" I said and watched another vid about JYP

"Wow He's good in singing too!!" I said

I finished eating and washed my plates

"Looks like you ate without me" I heard Jungkook say but I ignored him

"Come on Y/n, You cant ignore me" He said but I ignored him

I grabbed my phone and went upstairs

I took a shower and changed my clothes

I wore a pencil skirt and a white blouse and white heels

I put on some light make up and went back downstairs

I grabbed my things "Where are you going?" Jungkook asked "Non of your business" I said and walked out

I went in my car and drove to my company


As I walked in people already knew I was in a bad mood

I walked into my office slamming the door

"Somebody is in a bad mood" I heard S.Coups say

"Did you guys fight?" He asked "No not really" I said

"Hana told me to make sure you guys don't break up" He said

"Dont tell me you're already tired, you guys just started your relationship a few months ago!!" He said

"Its not like I want to break up with him but its just..." I said and sighed

"I remember when we were dating before I joined the team, I felt like he got tired of me, So I tried to surprise him but I ended up being surprise" I said

"I saw him kissing another girl. I wanted to kill myself when I saw him kissing her. I wanted to end my life. I felt like I wasn't good enough" I said and didn't notice tears were falling from my eyes

"Dont cry Y/n, if he gets tired you'll find another man" S.Coups said and Hugged me

I hugged back and he handed me a tissue

"Wipe your tears" He said and left

I wiped my tears while chuckling

Jungkook's pov

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