🏥 Hospital 🏥

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Jungkook's pov

We arrived at hospital and the doctors and the nurses ran towards us

They laid Y/n on a stretcher and took her away

"Don't worry Gguk, she will be fine" Namjoon said

"You guys can go home now, We will stay with her" S.Coups said "No im staying with her" I said

"I called Bangchan and told them to go to the hospital with Hana" Lucas said

"Lets go to the waiting room" Jin said and we all go to the waiting


"Whwre is my Eomma?" Hana said as she approached us

(Where is my Mom? -this is what she said)

"Your Eomma is inside" Taeyong said "Why is she inswide thwe woom?" Hana asked and went to me

(Why is she inside the room? -this is what she said)

"Family of Miss Jeon Y/n" The doctor said and we all stood up

"What happened to her doc?" Taeyong asked

"She has alot of bruises that still needs to heal, you can visit her but she still needs to rest so I advice you not to be noisy inside her room" The doctor said and we nodded and he left

We went inside her room and saw her unconscious body laying on the bed

"Eomma" Hana said and ran to her while crying

"Eomma pwease wake up" Hana said and cried on Y/n's Hand

It breaks my heart seeing the unconscious body of the woman I love

(Really? I don't believe you)

"Its getting late, you guys should go home, me and Taeyong will take care of her" S.Coups said

"No you guys go home, I'll take care of her" I said

"If Jungkook wants to stay he can stay" Taeyong said

"I want to stway with Eomma too" Hana said with her Puppy eyes

(Stway = Stay)

"You might be a burden to Jungkook if you stay, We can visit tomorrow morning" Hoshi said

"But I want two stway with Eomma" Hana said "Its okay, she can stay" I said "Are you sure?" Bangchan asked and I nodded

(But I want to stay with Mommy -this is what she said)

"Take care of my sister gguk" Namjoon hyung said

"I will Hyung" I said, Hana hugged the boys "Goodnight Hana" Felix said "Gwoodnwight uncwle Felix" Hana said

She bid goodbye to everyone and they left

"Eomma pwease wake up" Hana said while holding Y/n's hand

(Pwease = please)

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