Kindap or Missing?

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I was in my office when somebody called

"Hello" I picked up the call without looking at the caller I.D

"Y/n come downstairs and go to the parking lot" the person said

"Who is this?" I asked "This is.. um... Seh- Jay, This is Jay" The person said


"And who are you and why are you asking me to go to the parking lot?" I asked "You ask too many questions" The person said and ended the call

I called S.Coups "Hello?" I said "S.Coups can you stay in my office for a while, I have to go somewhere" I said "Sure, I'll be right there" S.Coups said "Oh ok Thank you" I said

I grabbed a knife from my Secret drawer and put the knife in my Pocket


I went to the parking lot and saw no one, there were just cars

I pulled out my phone and called S.Coups again "Hello?" i said "Yes Y/n?" He said "Can you check the cctv cameras in the parking lot?" I asked

"Why?" He asked "Nothing im here in the parking lot and I feel like something is wrong" I said

"Oh okay" He said "And dont forget-" I felt a hand on my mouth "Y/n!!" I heard S.Coups said

"Get away from her!!" S.Coups said through the call, I pulled out my knife

I stabbed the guy's shoulder and Ran "Guards!!!" I shouted but everything started turning black

"Boss we got her" Was the only thing I heard before my vision went black


I woke up in a dark room, I tried to move but my hands and feet were tied up

The door opened revealling a unfamiliar man

"Boss she's awake!" He said and went out

I looked around the room and it looks like a basement

"Kim Y/n" A person said and I looked at person

It was Suho the leader of Exo "What do you want Suho?" I asked the door opened revealling the rest of the members of Exo

(Oh mah gad)

"We dont want anything Y/n, This is just a Revenge" Chanyeol said

"Revenge on me?" I asked "No Revenge on Bangtan" D.O said

"Why did you take me?? I dont care about those mother fuckers anymore" I said

"Well You see Y/n they love you, especially Jungkook and all of the members love Jungkook so we thought why dont we kidnap you so we can have a revenge on Bangtan?" Suho said

Very smart hahaha

Fucking idiots

"Im not even a mafia anymore" I said and rolled my eyes

"Do you want money?" I asked and they shooked their heads

"Do you want food? Do you want to meet Twice? Do you want me to set up a date for you guy-" "Just shut up" Sehun cutted me

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now