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I was sitting in the couch playing with my phone, suddenly Jisung and Chenle came up to me

"Noona I'm hungry" They both said "Go ask Bangchan or Jaehyun to cook" I said

"They went out" They both lied "Fine i'll cook for you guys" I said and stood up

I went to the kitchen and cooked some food for my babies

I cooked some pancakes and waffles since it was morning

I finished cooking and put the food on the dining room

I called the boys and they sat down "Let's eat my babies" I said and they nodded and they ate all the food I cooked

In just a few minutes the food was gone

"Are you guys that hungry?" I asked and they all nodded

"Your food was delicious Noona" Chenle said

"Thank you" I said "Y/n" Taeyong said "what?" I asked "We're gonna go to the club later wanna come?" he asked

(Mickey mouse clubhouse HAHAHAHAHA)

"Remember last time when we went to the club, Lucas brought some girls home but I kicked them out" I said and he chuckled

"Don't worry we won't let Lucas bring girls home" He said and I nodded

"Fine I'll come just incase Hyujin, Felix, Mark, Lucas, or Dino lose their minds" I said and he chuckled again

"But what about Jisung and Chenle?" I asked "We will ask them to sleep early" He said and I nodded

I walked to my room and played with my phone


It's already night and Jisung and Chenle were already asleep

"Y/n get ready we're leaving in a few minutes" I heard S.Coups say outside my door

I stood up and took a shower, I wore a red revealling dress, red heels, and I curled my hair

I wore make up and grabbed my purse, I grabbed my mask and went downstairs

I wore one of those make up that can't be removed easily

I saw all 11 of them sitting on the couch

"Y/n you took so long" Hoshi said "I needed to slut up cause im going to get revenge on someone" I said

"You already knew Bangtan was there?" Mark asked "Yep" I said

"Well anyways, what club are we going to?" I asked

"xxx Club" Vernon said "Wait isn't that a strip club?" I asked and they nodded

I slapped the back of their heads

"Whose idea was to go to a strip club?" I asked "Well Bangtan was there so we decided to go there too... You know maybe you can have some fun and not just watch us" Hyunjin said

"Let's go" I said and they nodded, we headed to the car and went to the club


We arrived at the club and I already heard the music

We were wearing our mask (A/n: imagine any kind of mask, y'all can even imagine a facial mask or a face mask)

(Imagine them wearing facial masks to a strip club😭)

The guards already knew us so they let us in immediately

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