~Saving Y/n~

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"hello" "We need your help"

3rd person's pov

"Send your address" Namjoon said "We'll be there in a few minutes" Namjoon said and they ended the call

"I cant believe we're asking Bangtan to help us" Taeyong said "We're doing this to save Y/n" S.Coups said


The door bell rang

(A/n:its a maknae thing🤣🤣)

"IS THAT EOMMA?!!" Hana said and ran to the door

"I'll go get it" Hyunjin said and ran to the door

"AHHHH!!!!!" Hana screamed and the boys ran to the door

"What happened!?" S.Coups shouted

"Thwere is a mwonster!!! Im scwared!!!" Hana said and Hugged Hyunjin

Hana started crying and Hyunjin carried her "Dont cry" Hyunjin said

"Hyunjin bring her to Y/n's room" S.Coups said "Ouch she called us a monster" Jimin said


"Umm Hello?" Jin said "Come in" Taeyong said and the 7 boys went in

"Jisung, Chenle, Felix, Mark, Lucas, Dino go to Y/n's room" Taeyong said and they nodded and went upstairs

"So where is Y/n?" Namjoon asked "That's the problem....Y/n was kidnapped" S.Coups said

"WHAT!?" Bangtan said "HOW!?" Namjoon asked

S.Coups grabbed his laptop and showed Bangtan the cctv footage

"Why do you need our help?" Yoongi asked "Cause.... Exo Kidnapped her" Bangchan said

"EXO!?" Bangtan said "Ouch my ears" Jaehyun said

"So will you guys help us?" Vernon asked

"Of course we will!!!" Bangtan said "Lets go right now" Jungkook said

"Umm guys sorry to interrupt but we need help!!" They heard Felix shout from upstairs

"HELP!" Hyunjin shouted "Oh shit" Taeyong said and They all ran upstairs

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" They all said "I WANT MY EOMMA!!!" Hana shouted as she pushed Jisung away

"Hana" S.Coups said and he Hugged her, Hana pushed him away and she started crying

"I'll handle this, everyone leave" Jungkook said

(So you're gonna leave Jungkook with Hana, Didn't he kidnap her and torture her? Yes Hana is his child but he doesn't know)

They all left, leaving Jungkook and Hana alone

"Gwet away ywour a mwonster!!!" Hana shouted and Jungkook went to her slowly

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