•Chapter 46•

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3rd person's pov

"Im sorry....

She didn't make it" The doctor said "What do you mean!?" Jungkook shouted

"She's dead..... Ms. Y/n is dead" The doctor said and everyone bursted into tears

Hana ran to Jungkook and hugged him


CEO Ms. Jeon Y/n died from getting shot

The police think the people who killed her is Mafia Mr. Jeon Jungkook's ex girlfriend, Song Yerin

Mr. Jeon Jungkook is also going to jail for killing Song Yerin and Park Jihoon

We send our Condolences to the Jeon and Kim family

A few years later

"Appa stop!!" Hana shouted but Jungkook ignored her

"You were the reason why Y/n died!!!" Jungkook shouted

"You were suppose to die!!" He shouted


He kicked her one last time and left

"I-It's not m-my fault" Hana said as she cried

"Eomma why did you leave us" Hana said while crying softly so Jungkook won't hear her

"Appa became a monster after you died, He abuses me, sometimes..... Sometimes.... I just wanna kill myself so I can be with you" Hana said

Suddenly her phone rang and she limped her way to pick it up

It was Seungcheol, she answered "Hello, Hana?" Seungcheol said

"Yes, Uncle?" Hana said "We're on our way to your house, Is Jungkook there?" He asked "Yes, Appa is here" Hana said

"Great, We're planning on staying the night there, We'll be there in a few minutes" Seungcheol said and ended the call

"Oh no" Hana said and she looked around the house

It was dirty and full of broken bottles

Hana started cleaning even though her body was hurting alot

After a few minutes the door bell rang

She limped her way to the door and opened it

"Hana!!" The guests said as Hana opened the door

Hana fake smiled and they hugged her "You've already grown alot!" Taeyong said

"It was like you were just born yesterday" Mark said and they laughed

"HANA!!!" Jungkook shouted in a angry tone

He came down with an angry face but fake smiled when he saw the guests

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