gender reveal

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"Y/n you don't need to worry" Jungkook said

"The boys can handle it" He continued

"Fine" I said and laid on his chest

It's been a few months since my pregnancy and my baby bump was getting bigger

It was also getting a bit harder for me

It was also the day of the gender reveal

We're going to throw a party and I was super excited

Jungkook kissed my stomach and I giggled

"Hello baby, how are you? Is it warm in mommy's womb?" Jungkook said and I laughed

"In a few months you'll come out and we get to see you!! Im so excited to see you, When you come out i'll have 3 babies to take care of, You, Your sister and your mommy" Jungkook said and kissed my stomach again

"Ah!" I said and Jungkook noticed "Are you okay?!" He asked "The baby- ah!" I said and Jungkook was panicking

"The baby is kicking!" I said and Jungkook eyes widened and immediately held my stomach

"The baby is kicking so hard!" I said "He could be Martial artists!" Jungkook said

"Eomma! Appa!!" "Hana, baby, come here quick!" Jungkook said and the door slammed open

"What's wrong Appa?" "Hold Mommy's stomach" Jungkook said and Hana was confused

She held my stomach and she felt the baby kick

"Wah!" Hana said and she was shocked

"What was that?" "It's your sibling Hana, Your sibling is kicking" I said

Hana went close to my stomach "Don't kick, Mommy, She's gonna get hurt" Hana said and me and Jungkook laughed

The baby kicked again and Hana flinched

"Hello my little sibling, don't kick Mommy, she's gonna get hurt, You can kick Daddy instead" "What!?" "that was a joke daddy" Hana said and Jungkook tickled her

"Ahh!!" Hana said as she giggled, The door slammed opened

"Okay, Who's ready for the gender reveal!?" Jin said

"MEEEE!!" Hana said and jumped away from Jungkook and ran to Jin

"We're just taking Hana away for a bit so you two can have a little time for yourselves" Jin said and winked at us

He closed the door "You should rest" Jungkook said

"But the party is about to start" "I'll wake you up when the party starts" He said and I nodded

I laid on the bed comfortably and Jungkook tucked me in

"Can you sing for me?" I asked and he nodded

The song ended and I was still not asleep

"Your voice is beautiful!! You should be a singer!" I said and he chuckled

"Go to sleep" He said "I don't want to!!" I said and he chuckled again

Jungkook laid beside me and spooned me

And pulled us together closer, he covered us with the covers and kissed my Forehead

"Let's go sleep, Okay?" He said and I nodded

We were about to sleep but the door slammed open and ofc it was Vernon

"COME ON BITCHES LET'S P- oh sorry for disturbing y'all" Vernon said and closed the door

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