his parents

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"Y/n" Jungkook said and I looked at him

"Yes?" I asked "My parents want to meet you" He said

I groaned "I dont want to meet your mom again after what happened before" I said and he chuckled

"Dont worry my Dad will like you" He said

"I mean he will love you, cause he always supports my decisions not like my mom" He said and I smiled

"Can we bring Hana?" I asked and he nodded

"Yes of course, My Dad will love to meet her too" He said and I smiled


"Let's go" Jungkook said and we went out of the Car

"Im excited to meet Halmoni and Halaboji!!" Hana said and I chuckled

"Let's go baby" Jungkook said and carried Hana

He held my hand and we walked towards the door

He knocked on the door and a woman opened it

"Jungkook!?" The woman said "Auntie!?" Jungkook said and they both hugged each other

"Oh Y/n this is my Aunt Jiyoung, my Dad's sister" Jungkook said and I bowed to her

"And you are?" Jungkook's aunt asked

"She's Y/n, my girlfriend" Jungkook said and Jungkook's aunt widened her eyes

"Finally! I have been waiting for this moment!" Jungkook's aunt said and hugged me

"Welcome to the family dear" She said and I smiled

"And who is this cute little girl?" Jungkook's aunt asked

"She's Hana, Our daughter" Jungkook said "Aww!! She's so cute!!" Jungkook's aunt said

"Come in!" Jungkook's aunt said and we entered the house

It was a big house but our house was bigger

"Wow" Hana said "Jungkook!" I heard somebody said and it was a man who looked like Jungkook, So I think that's his father

"Dad" Jungkook said and they both hugged each other

"You must Y/n" His Father said and I smiled and nodded

"Your mother said she was ugly, but she's not, Your lucky" Jungkook's father told Jungkook

"She also said she was a gold digger" Jungkook's father said

"She makes more money than me though" Jungkook said

"What's your Job?" Jungkook's father asked "Im a CEO, Mr. Jeon" I said

"Don't call me that, Call me Dad since you both are probably gonna get married soon" Dad said

"Dad!" Jungkook said "Let's go, your mom is going to get mad" Dad said and Jungkook nodded

"Speaking of the devil, here they are" Jungkook's mom said with a annoyed face

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