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Y/n's pov

I was at my office tired cause I did alot of things today

"I want to go home" I said and groaned

"Looks like someone is tired" A person said and I looked at the person and it was Jungkook

"What do you want?" I asked "Do you wanna go to lunch with me?" He asked "bruh, Its already 1pm" I said

"But you haven't eaten yet" He said "Im used to skipping meals" I said "Y/n lets just go out" He said "fine!" I said

Jihoon's pov

I was now back at korea after a few years

"I can't wait to meet my babygirl!" I said "Babygirl?" One of my friends ask

"You know, Y/n, my innocent girl" I said

"Dude your gonna come back to her?" One of my friends ask "Yes I am, I need money" I said "Tsk, I heard she's already married" one of my friends asked

"No she's not! She wont replace me!" I said and they laughed


We arrived at her company and it was so big

"Damn she really is rich" I said and my friends chuckled

We entered her company and alot of the workers were staring at me weirdly

We went to the receptionist "Hello we're looking for Y/n" I said "Ms. Jeon Y/n?" The receptionist asked "Kim Y/n" I said

"Do you have a appointment with her, sir?" The receptionist asked "No" I said "Then you cant meet her" The receptionist said

"Look if you dont want to be fired you better let me in" I said "And why would I let you in?" she asked

"Cause im an important person to Y/n, Im her boyfriend" I said and the people around us started laughing

"What are you laughing at?" I asked "Nice joke buddy but I cant let you in" She said and I ignored her and went in

After a few minutes walking around I finally saw Y/n's office

"Finally!!" I said and a guy came up to me

"Excuse me who are you?" He asked "Y/n's boyfriend" I said and he started laughing

"Nice try buddy" He said and left

I went to Y/n's office and a few workers tried to stop me

I opened the door and saw Y/n and another boy kissing

"Im sorry Ms. Jeon!!" The workers said and closed the door

"Ahh my ship is sailing!!" The workers said

"HAHA you lost the bet, I told you they were dating" another worker said

Y/n's pov

I felt embarrassed after my employees saw me and Jungkook kissing

"Its your fault!" I said and he chuckled

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now