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"Eomma I dont want to go to school!!" Hana said

"Well you have to, honey" I said "but Appa said I can stay home and not go to school!" She said

"Hana, you need to go to school so you can learn and become whatever you want!" I said "Well I want to become a mafia like Appa!" She said and we heard chuckling from the door

"honey, Being a Mafia is hard, It's not easy as you think" Jungkook said

"But Eomma became a mafia!" Hana said and whined

"Honey, it took me alot of time to train" I said "Who trained you, Eomma?" She asked

"Your uncle S.Coups and-" I didn't finish what I said cause she ran towards Seungcheol's room

Jungkook chuckled and I laid my head on his shoulder

"Do you need anything my fiancee?" He said while grinning

"Im bored" I said and he chuckled

"Let's go somewhere" He said "Where?" I asked "Let's go to Busan" He said "Ooh Roadtrip?" I said and he nodded

"Okay, i'll make an excuse letter for Hana" I said

"How long are we going to stay in Busan?" I asked "How about one week?" He said and I nodded and just decided to call Hana's teacher


"Im so excited!!" Hana said as she got in the car

"Hana say bye bye to your uncles" I said "Bye bye uncles!!" Hana said and waved goodbye

"Let's go Appa!!" Hana said and Jungkook chuckled and started the car

One hour in the roadtrip

1 hour already had passed and it was kinda getting boring

I looked at the back seat and saw Hana sleeping peacefully

"Are you bored?" I heard Jungkook asked "Yeah" I said

"You can sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there" He said and I nodded

I was about to sleep when I saw a restaurant

"Ooh can we stop there?" I asked "sure" He said and he parked the car and we got out

I went to the back seat door and opened it

I carried Hana slowly and waked her up gently

"Honey, Wake up" I said in a whisper in her ear

"Honey, we're at a restaurant" I said and she slowly opened her eyes

"Are we there yet Eomma?" She asked "We're not there yet honey, but we stopped at a restaurant" I said

"Good morning baby" I heard Jungkook say beside me

"Appa, it's not morning anymore" Hana said and Jungkook chuckled

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now