"We meet again"

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I was in my room with Hana when I suddenly received a call

I checked the caller ID and it was Unknown

I answered the call "Hello" I heard a familiar voice say through the phone

"Who is this?" I said "Its me Jungkook" He said "What do you want?" I said "Have you found Y/n yet?" He asked "I cut that deal off" I said

"Look im not a mafia anymore so dont bother me anymore" I said and hung up

Suddenly the door opened "Y/n people are surrounding us!!" The boys said as they went in my room

"Go grab your weapons i'll pack all the things" I said and they nodded and ran away

I pulled out ny phone and called Blackpink "Hello?" I heard lisa said "Guys!! People are surrounding our house we need help!!" I said "We're coming" They said and hung up

I packed all of the important stuff like clothes, food, etc...

I carried Hana in my arms and covered her with blanket

My phone rang again and I answered it "Look who's panicking, if you just find Y/n we'll let you go" He said and chuckled

I hung up without saying anything, I grabbed all the stuff and walked towards the back door

My phone rang and I answered it "Y/n were here at the back door" I heard Jennie said I hung up and ran to the boys

"Lets go!!" I said and they ran towards me

We ran to the back door and I saw my friends, Blackpink, shooting the guys coming to them

They opened the door and we all got in

We drove away from the house "What happened?" Rosé asked while she was driving

"We were eating peacefully when suddenly it was raining bullets, Hyunjin saw bunch of guys surrounding the house" Bangchan said

"Noona where are we gonna stay now?" Jisung asked "I dont know Jisung" I said "You can stay with us!" The girls said and we looked at them

"It gets boring with only 4 people in the house so why dont you guys live with us?" Jisoo said

"If you want us there, sure we can live there" I said and the girls cheered

"Oh Here are the important things" I said and took out all of the bags

Their eyes widened when I took out all of the bags

"These are your things" I said and threw them the bags that I carried

"This is my bag and Hana's bag" I said and took the blanket off of Hana

She was still sleeping peacefully even though there were shootings happening earlier


We arrived at the house of Blackpink and it was a mansion of course

We went in and they showed us our rooms

"I have to go somewhere, Take care of Hana" I said and they all looked at me

"Where are you going?" They asked "Im going to the grocery store" I lied "I'll come with you" Taeyong said "No I dont need help" I said and gave Hana to Jisoo

"Take care of her, i'll come back after im done grocery shopping" I lied and they nodded

I took the keys from Rosé since she said I could use her car

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now