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Jungkook was still in shock cause he couldn't believe that he was already a father

"Appa you there?" Hana said "Earth to Jungkook" I said and Jungkook went back to his senses

"Im sorry" He said, Bangtan and Blackpink already went home and the boys are at the living room

It was still Hana's birthday but she didnt wish anything yet

"Hana" I said "Yes Eomma?" She said "What is your wish?" I asked and she widened her eyes

"I forgot about that!" Hana said and me and Jungkook chuckled

"My wish was Meeting ny Appa but it already happened so My second wish is...." Hana said

"Wait let me think" Hana said and I layed down on the bed

Jungkook layed beside me and Hana layed between us

"What a cute family!" I heard a person say at the door

I looked at the door and saw the boys looking at us

"Oops sorry for ruining your family moment" They said and left

"Those boys" I said and chuckled "My wish is..." Hana said "AH I KNOW!!" Hana said and me and Jungkook sat up

"I want a new sibling!!" Hana said and we heard laughter through the door

"Do y'all even know privacy?!" I shouted and I heard them running

Me and Jungkook looked at Hana, We looked at each other awkwardly

"Whats wrong?" Hana asked "Hana me and your father are not together anymore" I said "And?" Hana said

"We cant make another child without loving each other" Jungkook continued

"Then love each other!!!" Hana said cutely "Hana love is not easy, You have to go through pain to feel true love" I said


"I dont get it" Hana asked confused "You will know that as you get older" I said "Im going to go home so both of you can rest" Jungkook said

"No! Appa please stayyy" Hana begged him "But your mother wouldn't allow me to sleep here" Jungkook said and he looked at me

"Eomma please let Appa stay" Hana begged with puppy eyes

"Fine, i'll let him stay cause its your birthday" I said "Yeyy!!" Hana said and hugged me

"Thank you Eomma" Hana said "Where are you going to sleep?" I asked Jungkook "I can sleep on the couch" Jungkook said

"No we have a guest room!!" Taeyong shouted

"So I can sleep at the guest room?" Jungkook asked "Yeah go sleep in the guest room.. or... Sleep with Y/n and Hana" S.Coups said

"No i'll sleep at the guest room" Jungkook said "No Appa!!! Sleep with us" Hana said and I looked at her

"Just for today please" Hana said with her puppy eyes

Y/N!!" The boys said


"Are they always like that?" Jungkook asked "No..." I said

"Hana lets go shower" I said and she nodded

"Jungkook ask the boys to give you some clothes, then you can go shower after me and Hana shower" I said and he nodded

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now