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It's been a few days since I receive Jihoon's call

But these few days i've been feeling weird

I was always puking, I always felt sick, when I taste some of my favorite foods I always spit it out cause it would taste horrible

Like I don't even know why was that my favorite

"Oh gosh I dont want to eat anymore" I said as I ran to the bathroom and threw up again

I cleaned my face and flushed the toilet and went back outside

"Y/n can I ask you something?" Bangchan said

"Sure" I said "I know my question is kinda weird but it will answer everything" He said and I nodded

"When did you last had..... You know" He said "Period?" I asked "That too" He said

"I don't know, I was supposed to get my period last week bu-" I said but stopped as I realized

"When did you and Jungkook last..... You know" He asked and I widened my eyes

"It was a few weeks ago—" I stopped as I realized

"Let's go to the hospital" I said and he quickly called all of the boys

I carried Hana and we all went to the car


After waiting for a few minutes the doctor came out

"What's the results doc?" I asked "Congratulations Ms. Jeon, You're pregnant" The doctor said with a bright smile

Instead of being happy, I was sad, the boys hugged me

And ofc they're happy "does that mean..... I'LL HAVE A SIBLING?!" Hana said and the doctor nodded

Hana hugged me "Thank you Eomma, For making my dream come true" She said and I kissed her forehead

She also hugged me and we were like a family

"You guys are like a family! Is the baby-daddy here?" The doctor asked

"No he isn't here, he's in Korea" Taeyong said

"Hmm why is he there? Did he leave her?" The doctor asked

"Actually it's the other way around" Hoshi said

"Well you guys should go home so she could rest and congratulations again Ms. Jeon" She said

By the way the doctor is a girl

We nodded and we headed home


"I can't wait to tell Appa that you're pregnant, Eomma!" She said as she grabbed my phone and ran away

"HANA NO!!" I shouted but she ignored me

I was going to chase after her but I was already tired so I just laid down on the couch

I felt my eyes lids getting heavier every second

After a few seconds darkness finally took over

Hana's pov

I called Appa's number and he immediately answered

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now