Witnessing murder

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Suddenly I heard a gunshot inside my room making me flinch...


The shooting in my room stopped and I peeked in the hole in the closet and I saw 2 men laying on the floor, blood dripping out of their bodies

I saw Jungkook sitting on the floor, blood dripping down his shoulder

I ran to him and closed the door "Y/n what are you doing you should be hiding" Jungkook said

"No you have been shot, I need to call them" I said and he shook his head

"No need, you should hide" He said and I shooked my head

Then the gun shots downstairs stopped and we heard footsteps coming upstairs

"Y/n, hide!" Jungkook said and I grabbed his gun and pointed it at the door

My hand was shaking, the door opened and I was about to pull the trigger but Jungkook slapped the gun out of my grip

"Were you about to shoot us?" Namjoon asked "Y/n was" Jungkook said

"No need to chitchat, more guys are coming, Y/n grabbed your things quick, you guys help her" Yoongi said and we all nodded and I ran and grabbed a bag and packed my things


We arrived at a mansion and it was in the middle of nowhere

"Let's go in" Namjoon said and I nodded and we went in

The inside of the house was scary, it was like a haunted house but clean

The walls, the ceiling, the floor was black "Why is everything black?" I asked

"Nothing we just like black" Namjoon said and I nodded

"Y/n we'll show your room later just wander around the house" Namjoon said and I nodded and he left somewhere

I wandered around the house and somehow triggered a lever and it opened revealling stairs

I walked down the stairs assuming it was the basement

I walked down and it was very dark, I heard talking and I went to it and peeked and saw my brother and his friends and a guy tied to a chair

The room was all black with blood stains on the walls and floor

"Who sent you here!!!" Jungkook shouted "Why would I tell you" The man said

"If you tell us your life will be easier if you don't your going to die" Jimin said and pointed a gun at the guy

"I won't tell you even if you torture me!!" The guy said and spitted on Jimin

"Look we're nice guys, if you just tell us, we'll let you free" Taehyung said

"I still wouldn't tell you!!" The man said "Well you leave us no choice" Yoongi said and grabbed another gun and shot him in the head

(A/n: bang bang bang!, Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du~~, Your in danger~~, it's the love shot~~)

I was shocked and scared at the same time, I ran back upstairs and ran to a random room and layed on the bed

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