The end

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Today was the day

The most happiest day of our lives

The Wedding

And no I still haven't given birth, Im now 9 Months preggy so I might give birth today, tomorrow or another day

But whatever

"Y/n, Sit down" "I feel so energetic! I feel like I can run around the world without getting tired!!"

"Y/n just sit down, we need to get you ready" "Im sorry" I bowed and she Chuckled

"I don't know what's wrong with me, One second im Energetic then the next second im tired af" she Chuckled

She finally finished my makeup and I was tired af

"Why am I so tired" "Probably because you were so excited" We both laughed

Another girl came in "Y/n, Jungkook wanted me to give this to you" She gave me a letter and left

"Ooh" The make up artist teased me, her name is Nahee

"Nahee" "Y/n" We both laughed "Open it!" I opened it and decided to prank her

"So what does it say?" "I-Im sorry Y/n but i-im c-calling o-off the w-wedding" "WHAT!?" I faked cry and ran to her

She hugged me "I'll kill him" She was about to run to the door but I stopped her

"Joke" she glared at me and attacked me "AHHH!!" I said and she giggled and stopped

"So what does it really say?" "'Dear Y/n, How are you and the baby? Are you ready? Cause I am! Im so excited to see you walking down the aisle, Tell the baby I love him! Hana is going there in a few minutes, she said she's so excited even though she doesn't know how weddings work, well I still need to wear my suite, I know you're probably gonna say I look ravishing, well bye, Your handsome Soon to be husband, Jungkook <3'" "Eww, what kind of letter is that?!"

"What?" "He didn't say he loves you" "he wrote a heart though" "But still!"

Somebody knocked on the door

"Eomma?" "Hana!" She came in and I hugged her

"Eomma you look so beautiful!" I kissed her forehead

"Appa almost got punched by uncle Taehyung" She giggled "Why?" "Appa was too excited and almost ran here and uncle Taehyung almost punched Appa to calm him down" We all laughed

"Y/n time to go get dressed" Nahee said "Okay" I replied

I went to the dressing room and wore my dress

it was kinda hard wearing it cause im 9 MONTHS PREGGY and ofc Nahee helped me wear it

(This is her wedding dress, if you don't like it then just imagine a wedding dress)

(This is her wedding dress, if you don't like it then just imagine a wedding dress)

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