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Suddenly she did something that made Jungkook shocked

(A/n: I mean Jungshook 😱😱)
(A/n: this is still 3rd person pov)

Y/n leaned in and hugged Jungkook

(A/n: You probably thought about something else didn't you?😏😏)

Jungkook was still there frozen and Hugged her back after a few seconds

He pulled her into a deep hug, his lips were touching her forehead since she was almost as tall as Jungkook but smaller

A few minutes later they pulled out and Jungkook grabbed her hand and dragged her back to the table

When they went back to the table, their friends were not there anymore

He went to the bartender and asked "Umm where are the guys who were here earlier?" He asked

"They left and said you should call them" The bartender said and Jungkook nodded and looked at Y/n and she was on the chair sleeping

Jungkook dragged Y/n out of the club carrying her bridal style

He took out his phone and called his hyungs

"Hello?" Jin said through the phone "Where are you guys?" Jungkook asked

"We went to a mission cause we found out someone was spying on us, so we will be back after a few weeks" Jin said

"Why didn't you guys asked me to come?" Jungkook asked "Namjoon wanted you to take care of Y/n for him" Jin said

Suddenly Namjoon snatched the phone from Jin

"Jungkook you better not do anything to her while we're gone" Namjoon said and Jungkook went red

"I'm sure he's probably red as a tomato right now!" Jimin shouted in the background

"Hyung" Jungkook said and the 6 members were laughing through the phone

"Okay we have to go now, Take care of Y/n" Namjoon said

"Don't do anything bad Jungkook, control yourself" Taehyung and Jimin said

"JUNGKOOK DONT DO ANYTHING DIS-" Jin was about to shout when Jungkook ended the call


Jungkook was happy he got alone time with Y/n


Jungkook carried Y/n out of the cab and paid the driver

He carried her inside the house and brought her to his room

He went to the bathroom and took a shower

He wore his short and no shirt, He checked up on Y/n and saw her moving around the bed

He went to her and she was still moving

'It looks like she's uncomfortable wearing her dress' Jungkook said to himself

'Should I changed her dress? No she might think I'm a pervert' Jungkook said to himself again

He layed beside her and hugged her, She was still moving though

'Her lips are so tempting, Control yourself Jungkook!' He said to himself again

He kissed her forehead and she suddenly stopped moving

Married To A Mafia Leader (Jungkook Mafia au)Where stories live. Discover now