Chapter 11

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*non proofread*

Third Person POV

**some where in the other side of London**

"Baby, why did you save her? The Alpha will be very happy with us finding and killing the last descendant of the previous alpha. I bet he will grant us anything for wiping the one he hated most" a lady asked.

"You do know that he gave us instructions to find her and report back to him once we located her and her mum right? Do you know what he will do if we bypass his instructions? Have you forget about Billy; because of him accidentally killed one of the Alpha mistress, he was decapitated by those vulture he rare outside the hills. Yes, that mistress cheated on him but he already gave strict instructions on just finding her yet Billy went overboard and thought he will gain more favor from the Alpha by bypassing him." the guy said while his lover gulped remembering the gruesome ending.

"I don't want to have the same faith as him. Plus you do know that there are still some followers of the previous Alpha's pack around here. How sure are you that they don't know about us? They are also hiding around inside the human community like us. If they know about us killing the child, I bet we will be dead very soon before we able to wait for him to arrive. At least now we had informed him that we had found the child and he will be here soon. Let him decide what to do while we just monitor and wait for his further instructions" the guy said while his lover walked closely to him, straddle on his lap and they make out on the couch.

**back to London, Ash's home**

Ash was woken up by the ringing of her phone near the side table. She reached out for it then pickup her phone and answer.

"Yesss?"Ash answered while her eyes were still closed.

"Yo! What time are you coming over?" Sonny asked.

"What is the time now?" Ash asked.

"Is almost 10pm. What time are you planning to come over? Are you able to come today if not I will inform coach and ask him to arrange another time for you but not sure when" Sonny said.

"No no no... I will come over. I just need to find a way to sneak out then go there" Ash answered while quickly stood up. "I will text you once I am on my way, okay" Ash said then ended the call and went to the shared bathroom to wash her face.

After 5 minutes, she slowly walked down to the living hall trying to look for her mama. To her surprise, her mama wasn't there so she walked into the kitchen and back to her room to look for her mama yet she was no where to be found. When she walked back into the kitchen, she saw a stick it note on the freezer door. She walked over and check on the note.

"Little pup, mama superior called me just now saying that Aunty Marie can't make it to the shift today so I need to report in for work. I had prepared dinner for you and is in the oven. Just heat it up and you are good to go. Please remember to take your last medication after dinner and lock all doors and rest. I will be back around 7am tomorrow and will buy you your favorite blueberry muffin and avocado milkshake. So, please be good and stay home. I will and check on you when I am free. Good night. Love, mama"

"Wow! Looks like luck is on my side tonight" Ash said then quickly heat up the chicken meatball spaghetti and finished it in less than 20 minutes.

Ash then quickly rinsed the plates and fork then put them into the dishwasher. She then quickly run up to her room and changed into a black hoodie with a matching sweatpants. She put her phone and wallet into her sling bag then quickly ran down and wear her black vans.

Once Ash finished wearing her shoe, she unlocked the door, closed and locked it back. Once the door is confirmed locked, she walked towards the main road then walked all the way to the arena to meet Sonny and his coach.

**time skipped after an hour**

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