Chapter 6

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*non proofread*


I woke up in the middle of the night feeling pain on my head. I tried to move my hand but to my surprised I see it got hooked up onto some cables from a machine. I got shocked and suddenly the machine next to me started to beep and it is getting louder and louder and I feel my heart is pumping fast in the same time having difficulties to breathe.

Not long later, a nurse rushed into the room and check on my heart beat then the machine. She quickly alarmed another nurse to come in with some injection. They then injected me with the medicine and within seconds, my heart beat become normal and I went blackout.

**time skipped 3 hours later**

I opened my eyes due to the sun beam slipping in via the window's curtain hitting my eyes. I groaned and felt my head spinning when I tried to check on my surrounding. When I tried to move my right hand, I felt someone holding it. I then turned to my right and notice my mama was sleeping next to the bed holding onto my hand.

"M-Mama" I opened my mouth and called her. She then moved a little and slowly raised her head. "M-Mama.." I called her again.

"Little pup!... You are awake.. Thanks to the moon goddess you are okay. I got worried when I reached home and saw you lying on the floor with a pool of blood sipping out from your head. What happen?" my mama asked while rubbing on my hand.

"I d-don't remember but out of nowhere I feel pain on my chest then everything just went black" I said while wondering what had happened. "What happened mama? Why am I here?" I asked.

"You fainted and dropped onto the floor and knocked your head. Due to the severity of your head injury, you need to undergo a brain surgery to remove the blood clot. By the way, did you fight with anyone because my co-worker told me that you have a few broken ribs and some bruises around your abdomen and eyebrow?" mama asked while Ash looked down. "Is okay little pup, I understand and you will be fine once your healing speed up" my mama said touching on the bandage around my head.

"I won't be attending school then" I said with a little bit of sadness in my voice.

"Why the sad face little pup? Is there someone you wanted to see? A crush?" mama said trying to tease me.

"I don't know mama. I kind of have a crush on someone in school but she is taken plus I am not a normal girl. Is best I just be alone and be myself" I said looking sad thinking about what that guy called Brianne in the class.

"Awww, little pup. You will find someone who loves you from her heart about what you are and who you are. Trust yourself. Go and have more rest little pup so your wound can heal faster" mama said while patting me on my head and I just closed my eyes and rest.

Once I am asleep, mama went back home and starts to clean up the house from the mess I had made. I was left alone in the hospital for the mean time until mama comes back. After 2 hours, mama came back with some magazines, my favorite books; the Larove Legacy written by favorite author; Jaqueline Dohim, a small luggage for her and my clean cloths plus some toiletries.

As I am just out from surgery, I am not allow to have any food intake until Dr. Howey visit's tomorrow and there isn't any complications tonight. So all I can have is just plain water for the rest of the day.

Mama bought a sandwich and a cup of her favorite hot chocolate herself for dinner. We chat for a while and the door suddenly opened and a nurse walked in pushing a computer monitoring system and some medication.

"Good evening Margaret. Have you taken you dinner?" the nurse greeted my mum and me.

"Good evening Eloise and yes I just had. Can't really eat much because of this little pup here" mama joked while messing up with my hair which makes Eloise to chuckle.

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