Chapter 20

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*non proofread*

**Time skipped after 2 weeks**

Third Person POV

It has been wonderful times the past 2 weeks for the two newly lovebirds. Both Ash and Brianne had been together almost everyday; walking hand in hand together into their class if both were having the same classes else Ash will walked Brianne to her classes then walked to her class.

They will be together sitting beside each other together with Spencer and Benjamin at the cafeteria during tea break. Once school dismissed, Ash will bring Brianne to the big oak tree; sat there chatting and being lovey dovey. Brianne will always accompany Ash to her basketball practice and also dropped her home after practice and also after school.

Brianne introduced Ash to her butler; Jefferson the next day they confessed to each other because Jefferson is her closes guardian besides her parents who is open minded and will not judged her and her friends. Ash got along well with Jefferson although it was kind of awkward the first time when she walked into Brianne's house and saw Jefferson wearing an apron walking out from the kitchen preparing lunch.

Although Jefferson knew Ash was the one who safe Brianne from being kidnapped, he still kept wondering why didn't she come forward and tell both of them about what she did and her background was so mysterious as he just knew Ash and her mother moved to England 11 years ago and her mother is a nurse at a well known hospital. Other than that, nothing else about their background and he will still have the feeling of curiosity against Ash.

Brianne hasn't ask Ash about the incident happened to her few months ago and she was still waiting for Ash to tell her, herself and not to push Ash on it as Spencer suggested. Brianne had been to Ash's house for few times and was treated like a princess especially when Ash's mama was around. She will bake Brianne's favorite chocolate chips biscuit and Hawaiian pizza with lots of pineapples.

Margaret likes how happy Ash is when she is with Brianne and love Brianne a lot. Ash hasn't been so happy since her papa died and always kept things to herself and being an introvert. Every time when Brianne went to Ash's house, they will cuddled together on the couch when her mama was not at home , watch movie and do their homework together. Jefferson will pick Brianne up after dinner around 9pm. Although both Ash and Brianne have been together for 2 weeks, both haven't ask each other the girlfriend question yet and this makes Brianne having doubt about the relationship.

**17 hours before full moon**


I woke up feeling lots of body pain where my bones seems to be expanding and my muscle gave me a feelings like it is going to tear off any time soon. I rolled over to the side of the bed and pushed myself up but instead of sitting up I dropped onto the floor with a loud thud.

**knock knock**

"Little pup, are you okay?" mama asked knocking on my room's door.

"Y-Ya...I-I am okay" I said while trying to push myself up again.. **THUD**

"What happen to you little pup?" mama asked while rushed over to me and held me up and sat on the bed.

"I don't feel good. Every bones and muscle on my body seems not themselves; is like they are trying to free themselves out from my body. What is happening mama? Am I going to die?" I asked while mama chuckled and shake her head.

"No, little pup. Is going to be full moon later tonight and being a werewolf many things will change especially our body. You will get used to this when you reached the age of 21" mama said.

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