Chapter 3

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*non proofread*

Brianne POV

I am standing near the student's locker with Spencer and Marianne. Suddenly someone was slammed onto the lockers. I turned around and saw Joseph being held up by Steven. He is saying something about Joseph looking at his girlfriend or something. Steven is a jerk like his gang of friends who thinks that their parents own the school because his father donated quite a lot of amount into this school "to buy" a spot in the football club and become the captain of it.

"Ouch!" Steven screamed. "Let go of my hand!" he shouted.

I saw a girl held onto Steven's wrist stopping him from punching Joseph. She is quite tall and has a small body frame but definitely strong because I don't think a normal girl can held onto a guy's wrist like that. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind and everyone starts to walk into their classes. Spencer tapped on my shoulder and I turned around. No wonder because Mr. Benner is on his way to where the commotion is. He managed to stop the fight and both Joseph and Steven ran to their respective classes. The girl was later following Mr. Benner to the office.

"So, she is a new student" Spencer said nudging my arm.

"So?" I replied back.

"Wonder who she will be in the same class with" she said with a smirked on her face.

"Shut up and let's go. We are late for Mr. Lorenzo's class" I said pulling Spencer on her arm.

"I don't understand why are you so font of Literature" Spencer asked.

"Because I am more romantic than you and Benjamin" I said while Spencer just rolled her eyes.

We both walked into the class where Mr. Lorenzo is teaching. I sat at the table at the back while Spencer is sitting on my right. Benjamin and his friends were sitting at the second row from the left. He is the Caption of the Football Team. After 10 minutes, someone knocked on the classroom door then walked in.

I was surprised and also happy to see the same girl I met earlier; having the same class as me. I am even shocked when Mr. Lorenzo asked her to sit next beside me where an empty table was there. Spencer then nudged me on my arm and smirked at me. I kind of felt my cheek starting to get warm.

"H-Hi! Can I-I sit d-down?" she asked looking at me.

"Ops... Y-Yes you can" I replied and pulled my chair in a bit so she can walked past behind me and sit on the empty spot.

Mr. Leonardo was so happy that a new student joined his class. So he ordered everyone to start introducing ourselves to the new student so that we can know each other better for our coming school assignment. Some of the student growled in protest but he then warned that those who didn't cooperate on this, they might get a harder assignment title.

Everyone started to keep quiet and slowly stood up 1 by 1 and introduced themselves to the new student. Once it reached her turned, she stood up and introduces herself to everyone. Once she finished introducing herself, I stood up and started to introduce myself to her while she looked at me with a lovely smiled. I sat down once I finished my introduction.

Mr. Leonardo then write down the assignment he is going to give us; Shakespeare's Documentary. He required everyone to come up with a documentary about one of his masterpiece. We were required to have a group of 5 people. Once he wrote down the title, everyone starting to setup their own group. I turned around and saw Ash was just sitting alone at her place while other people are busy discussing their assignment. I then walked over to her and ask whether she wanted to join our group for the assignment and she immediately say yes.

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