Chapter 15

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*non proofread*

**One week later**


**knock knock**

"Is time to go back to school little pup" mama said then walked down back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Mmmm" I murmured then rolled back to sleep.

**after 10 minutes**

**bang bang bang**

"You better get up now else I an going in pull you out from your bed" mama scolded standing in front of my room.

"YES MAM! I am up now" I jumped up from my bed then when I wanted to walk towards my closet **plopped** "Ouch!" I screamed.

"What is happening and why are you lying on the floor face down?" mama snickered while walking into my room.

I quickly pulled the blanket away and stood up.

"Nothing. Just accidentally got caught in my blanket and you know the rest of the story" I said while rubbing my cheek which is now in a bit of reddish.

"Why are you always so clumsy little pup? Faster clean up your self then come down for breakfast" mama said then walked out from my room.

I then stood up and tidy up my bed and took a pair of black jeans, a polo T and a sports bra. I walked out from my room and towards the share bathroom outside and shower. After 10 minutes, I walked back into my room, took my phone, wallet and my backpack then walked down towards the kitchen.

"Finally. I thought I need to go up and get you down myself" mama said while putting two plates of breakfast on the dining table. "Can you go get 2 glasses and pour some milk out?" mama asked while I walked over to the fridge and took a bottle of milk out then pour into two glasses.

I walked back to the dining table then sat in front of mama.

"Faster eat else you will be late to school" mama said while giving me her slice of bacon. " You looks slimmer. You should eat more. Don't always eat snacks or unhealthy food. There are stuff in the fridge so please don't be lazy and cook some food yourself, okay?" mama said.

"Yes mama and I am not slimmer; I feel fit and healthier" I said then put a piece of sausage into my mouth.

After 10 minutes, mama and I finished our breakfast then I took all the plates and cutlery into the kitchen to wash while she went up to her room to shower and change for work. Once I finished putting the dish into the dish washer, I wipe my hand and walked out to the living hall waiting for mama while putting on my socks and shoe.

Mama walked down from her room then took her car key and gestured me to walked out the house while she wear her shoe then closed and locked the house door. Both of us walked towards the car and went inside. I reached the school parking after 20 minutes drive.

"Do you have enough money with you? I am going to be late tonight because Aunty Merry took off so I need to take over her schedule today. Please be careful and don't find fault with others okay" mama said while kissing my temper.

"Yes mama I have enough money and don't worry as you know I don't like attentions so I am not going to make a scene in school. Take care okay and love you" I said then waved mama goodbye.

Once mama's car went off, I slowly walked towards the school entrance. Once I reached the locker, someone tapped me on my shoulder and within seconds, she was laying on the floor next to me.

"Ouch! Is that how you greet your friend?" Lauren asked while trying to stand up and dust her pants and shirt.

"Sorry...I don't mean it. Is just my normal reaction" I gave her a goofy smiled.

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