Chapter 8

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*non proofread*



I was awaken by the sound of some metal trays crashing onto the floor. I looked around and saw where the commotions came from.

"I want to go home... I don't want to stay here anymore because is boring and I miss my cats" the old lady diagonally opposite of me.

"Mum, you can't leave yet because you still have a few session of chemotherapy injections for your uterus cancer" the daughter of the old lady said.

Not long later, a nurse walked into the room to check on the commotions and noise.

"Mam, what is happening? Is there anything I can help out?" the nurse asked looking at both the ladies.

"Sorry for the noise. We are good here. My mum just have some tantrum. She will be okay soon. Thanks for concern" the young lady said to the nurse.

"Okay. Please try not to make so much noise because there are other patients around whom are still sleeping. If you need any help, please press the red button" she said then walked out from the room.

I was looking at the young lady and she was also looking at me. She gave me an apologized look then I nodded my head. She they whispering something to her mum which makes her mum smiling like a small kid. Suddenly someone throw a paper ball at me then I glared at the person who did that.

"Good morning to you" I said sarcastically to Sonny who was laughing there. "Laugh harder and hope you don't drop onto the ground later" I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey...You should look at the face just now. Too bad I don't have time to record it down else I can show it to my friends" he said trying to hold onto his stomach not to laugh so hard.

Suddenly someone pushed opened the door and walked in. I was shocked to see who it was. Both of them walked slowly towards my bed then the hazel eyes angel come closed to my right side.

"Hey...How are you?" she greeted.

"I-Ia-am o-okay. W-Why are you guys here?" I asked looking at her with a shocked face.

"Well, we are here just to see how badly hurt are you for being MC for 2 weeks. It seems that you look okay. So, what is your injury basically?" Spencer asked sarcastically.

"Hello ladies! I am Sonny, Ash's friend. Nice to meet you. You both are Ash's friend? What's your name?" Sonny asked looking at both Spencer and Brianne.

"Sonny....Can you go back to your bed and give us some space here?" I pulled Sonny over by his collar and whispered to him. He smirked and swiped my hand away.

"Well, I am sure these 2 lovely ladies don't mind me being here right?" Sonny asked grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, actually I was wondering whether can you leave us alone because we are here to visit our friend and not to be friend with someone else" Spencer snapped while Brianne and I chuckled there.

Sonny face dropped after hearing what Spencer said and slowly walked back to his bed and drop onto the bed and covered himself with the blanket.

"T-Thank you for dropping by and visit me. I will be fine and if everything is good, I will get discharge today and go home to rest. I am just waiting for my doctor to come to check on me. I think he will be here shortly" I said looking at the hazel eyes goddess. "Sorry for being impolite. You guys can have a seat here" I said while gesturing the chair next to my right side.

"I will be outside. I need to call Benjamin. Anything just look for me outside" Spencer said and Brianne nodded.

"H-How are you? What happened?" Brianne asked looking at me.

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