Chapter 19

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*non proofread*

**Time skipped 2 weeks later**

Third Person POV

Ash walked into the school as usual once her mama dropped her from the main entrance. Everyone was surprised to see Ash physically had changed a lot; she is taller, look more tough and masculine. As she walked nearer to her school locker, someone walked near and when she tried to grab hold of Ash's bag, Ash managed to step away and then turned around behind the person and smacked her head.

As usual, Lauren tried to ambush Ash from behind but failed as Ash managed to dodge her attack and left Lauren on the ground which made Lauren baffled on Ash's reaction. While both Ash and Lauren were chatting, three beautiful ladies walked slowly towards the locker and one of them jumped onto Lauren and hugged her.

"Good morning baby. Have you taken your breakfast? I got you your favorite apple waffle" Taylor said while holding onto a plastic bag filled with waffle.

"Yay! Thanks babe" Lauren said then kissed Taylor on the cheek while she took over the plastic bag; opened it up and grabbed a piece of waffle out then bite it. "Mmmm.. Your the best babe" she said while continue chewing her waffle.

"Good morning, Ash" Brianne greeted while Ash, as usual was shocked and blur looking at her hazel eyes goddess.


"Ouch! What is that for?" Ash scolded Lauren.

Lauren then pointed at Brianne and finally Ash got what she meant.

"M-Morning B-Brianne" Ash said while grinning at Brianne.

Brianne then laughed at Ash silly and cute face. Lauren and Taylor then laughed along with Brianne.

"We need to walk to the class now if we don't want to be late" Spencer said while Ash and Brianne nodded.

Three of them waved Lauren and Taylor goodbye then walked towards their first subject; Algebra. Once they reached the classroom, everyone was eyeing at Ash when she walked in behind Brianne and Spencer. Once Ash was seated, a girl sat next to Ash and whispered into her ear and that makes Ash giggling.

Brianne was looking at both Ash and the girl; Xyndy a new exchanged student from Australia who started her semester in this school a week ago. Brianne had this pain feeling before the class starts, she stood up and walked out from the classroom towards the ladies.

Ash sensed something wrong with Brianne then rushed out following her. Once Ash walked into the bathroom, Brianne closed and locked the bathroom door. Brianne then walked slowly towards Ash then pinned Ash near the hand basin and looking deep into her eyes. She then hold onto Ash face and kissed her on the lips. Ash was shocked but then put her hand on Brianne's waist and pulled her closer while kissing her back.

Due to lack of air, both of them stopped kissing and moved their face apart while staring at each others eyes.

"I like you, Ash, for a long time" Brianne confessed while Ash was just being quiet and look at Brianne. "I-I a-am sorry. I shouldn't have do that. I-I a-am not being me" she mumbled.

Ash then held onto Brianne face and kissed her on the lips again to stop Brianne from talking anymore. Ash then stopped and pull apart looking at Brianne.

"I like you too, since the first time we met" Ash said while Brianne cracked a smile on her face.

Both of them then kissed again and this time was slow and passionate. They stopped kissing when someone bang on the door. Both Ash and Brianne giggled then Ash walked over to the door and unlocked it. To their surprised, it was Xyndy and when she wanted to walk near Ash, Brianne kissed Ash on the lips again in front of Xyndy then pulled Ash out from the bathroom and left Xyndy bewildered.

Brianne then held onto Ash's hand while walking back into the class. When they reached the classroom door, Brianne knocked on the door and walk in hand in hand with Ash which caused everyone having a surprised look except Spencer. When Brianne sat down next to her best friend, Spencer whispered something to Brianne which makes her smiled looking at Ash who is still feeling butterflies in her stomach and the feeling of floating while trying to recall back what had just happened.

Once the class dismissed, Brianne stood up and walked towards Ash and held out her hand for Ash. Ash then stood up, grabbed her bag and held onto Brianne's hand, walking out from the classroom leaving Spencer behind towards the cafeteria. When both of them walked into the cafeteria, everyone was busy whispering among each other about the new couple; both bad and good comment.

Brianne whispered something to Ash while she waited on her usual table spot for Ash to buy food for both of them. Spencer then walked into the cafeteria together with Benjamin and his team mate towards the table where Brianne is.

"It seems that someone had forgotten about her bestie when she has her new lover" Spencer teased while Brianne then pulled Spencer down sitting next to her, giving her a puppy face and apologized.

Benjamin and his team mate was curious about the news and when he saw Ash walking towards their table and sat next to Brianne, he got the puzzle solved finally.

"Well, no wonder you rejected so many guys" one of Benjamin's team mate said while scoffed and walked away.

This made Brianne being upset. Ash then whispered something to Spencer and grabbed Brianne's hand then walked out from the cafeteria. Ash then bring Brianne walked towards the other side of the football field towards a garden then sat under a big oak tree.

"I am sorry to make your life miserable now with all those people around you dislike you" Ash said while holding onto Brianne's hand.

"Well, if they can't accept us, they aren't my friend and I don't care or bother what they think about me. As long as I know you like me and will not hurt me then I am happy to be with you. Spencer, Taylor, Benjamin and Lauren are happy for us" Brianne said while looking deep into Ash's eyes.

Both of them share a passionate kiss then stood up and walked back to the front gate of the school. Spencer and Benjamin were waiting around Benjamin's car while Jefferson had parked the car nearby.

"Why not I ask Jeffy to fetch you home too?" Brianne offered but Ash rejected.

"I think next time as I am kind of afraid to be around Spencer because she seems fierce and I am not ready to be questioned by her yet" Ash said while rubbing the back of her neck while Brianne chuckled then kissed Ash on the cheek and waved her good bye.

Once Brianne and Spencer got into the car and the car drove away, Ash then walked to the gym with a happy face still feeling butterflies in her stomach and bewildered on what had just happened earlier and can't believe that the beautiful goddess likes her back.

Ash then walked home after her practice with Lauren. Lauren offered to drop Ash home and she agree because she wants to spend some time with her friend and is good that Taylor wasn't tagging along since she has piano classes. Lauren dropped Ash home after both of them had some snacks at Joe's Pizza.

Ash thanked Lauren and went into her house. Ash went to shower and once she finished shower and dried her hair, she unlocked her phone and saw 1 unread message from her favorite girl. She then unlocked her phone, read and reply back to Brianne. Once message sent, she dozed off to sleep immediately once her head touched her soft pillow.

p/s: Please comment and vote if you like my story and sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistake .. :) xxx

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