Chapter 10

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*non proofread*



"I don't want to eat that. It taste awful and how can you all asked me to eat that? I want grilled chicken and not this piece of white meat without any taste" the old lady shouted.

"Mom, doctor says that you need to have clean diet and no fried nor grilled food and everything must be less salt. Is for your good, mom" the young lady explained while rubbing her mother's shoulder calming her down. "We want you to get healthy and well faster so that you can go home with us to celebrate Christmas" the young lady said.

"I miss my grandchildren. How is Danielle? You told me that 1 of her tooth is going to fall off, right... Has it out yet? You know how much she hates pain and I usually will buy her a cup of vanilla sundae every time she had her tooth pulled off" the old lady said.

"Yes mom. We brought Danielle to her favorite ice cream stall and bought her a vanilla sundae. She did cried a lot once her tooth is out but thanks to the dentist, she managed to coo her down by giving her some little soft toys she has on her table" said the young lady.

"Good. I just miss them. Can I really go home if I follow the diet doctor advice?" asked the old lady.

"Of course mom. Once your health is better and the readings all are nice from the chart, you will be out from here and go home with us" said the young lady while the old lady slowly eats the piece of tasteless white meat her daughter cooked for her.

Is a wonderful view when the old lady is not having her tantrum. Although I had to wake up early from the commotions but I am happy that I am going home today. I slowly slide up and then checked on my phone for anything.

**IG notification**

There is a picture of Eason hugging Brianne from behind together with Spencer. I don't know why but by looking at this picture, Brianne looks happy and suddenly there is a sting in my heart.

"Arghh!" I winced clutching the right side of my chest.

"You okay bro? You look... painful. Should I call the doctor for you?" Sonny asked showing a worry face.

I slowly inhale then exhale a few times and the pain slowly fates away.

"I-I a-am okay now. Just have a small sting just now" I said slowly rubbing the pain area at my chest then Sonny took my phone away from my hand.

"I see. Your crush looks happy here. Are they together?" Sonny asked.

"I don't know... Maybe... Can you please don't ask anymore?" I snapped at him.

"Cool down bro. You are going home today right? I am going home too and you can come over to the gym tomorrow to chill and spar" Sonny said. "If your mama allow" he said before walking back to his bed laughing.

"You are an idiot, you know that!" I shouted at Sonny while he laughed louder.

Within minutes, a nurse walked into the room and asked us to keep silence. She then walked over to my right hand and checked on the IV drip then the chart.

"You are going to discharge today so I will get someone to take this out from you later. Your breakfast will be here later. I am glad that you can recover that fast and Margaret don't need to travel back and forth to look after you. Your mama really loves you" the nurse said then walked out from the room.

After 10 minutes, 2 nurses came in and slowly took out the cables and the IV dripped from my hand. It stings a bit when they pull the needle out from my right hand and a little blood sipped out. They then put a plaster on the wound and walked out from the room.

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